A Chicken?

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Soul sighed, feeling beyond exhausted. Why did splitting have to be so tedious? Never the matter. He had to clean up the mess he and his thirds made during said split. The little "game show" kind of thing they did as they divided was fun. Messy however.

There was some dirt and dust, along with the sea of mannequins he'd curated to give themselves an "audience" of sorts. The synthetic audience looked like they were melting or had a fuzzy texture. Not that it mattered.

He swept up the dirt and dust and whatnot, along with a feather- a feather? It would be Heart's, but this is a more brown feather. Whose feather was this?

Soul bent down, and picked up the feather to examine it closer. It was small, and quite brown. Soul himself didn't have feathers, nor did Mind..


Soul immediately stood up straight in initial shock.

"Cluck cluck."

Soul set down the broom, and opted to follow wherever the chicken's noises were coming from. After about a minute, he stood before a small, brown colored hen.

{...How did a chicken get here?} Soul questioned aloud, picking up the bird. It did little to resist, at most just squirming around to adjust itself to the arms that carried it. {You're so dirty..}


The chicken squirmed as it was gently submerged into warm water in a sink. Soul had little clue how to properly clean a chicken, but google said to place it in warm water for a few minutes. He had a towel nearby in case he needed to dry the chook, but not a spare toothbrush or something of the like to clean the bird's feet.

He was cautious to not leave the chicken in for too long. He'd read somewhere they usually take dust baths instead of soaking in water, but given he was concerned about the possibility of mites, he opted for a water bath. He had some dirt outside, that could probably work for a dust bath..

The chicken sat there as Soul bathed it in the soapy water, having its feathers gently brushed with a scrub brush Soul found. The water dirtied as all the unneeded grime was washed off the bird's feathers.

Soul eventually rinsed off the chook, and gently dried it with a towel. He used his hair drier to further dry the chicken. He found it adorable how it stood there, relishing in the hot air.


{And that's how I found Darrell!}

[...You do realize that's a hen, right—]

{HE'S A HEN??}

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