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Author's note: Wow, more people are enjoying my 3 am insomnia word vomit than I ever expected. I am debating whether or not I should add Hisoka to the story (not as a soulmate, just as a secondary character). Thoughts? Anyway, the story be speeding up.

Phinks held the phone to his ear, listening to whoever was on the other end of the line. 

"Yeah, well, the boss wants everyone to get here. We finally have her." He said to this mysterious Feitan character. 

After hearing what the man on the other line had to say, Phinks finally hung up the phone.

"So you were finally able to reach Feitan?" Asked Shalnark, who had now returned to casually shuffling the cards in his head.

Phinks cracked his knuckles and stood up from his spot, dropping the phone back into his pocket.

"Yeah. He had some shit to take care of and only now became available, but he should be on his way back soon."

You felt Uvogin's muscular arm wrap around your shoulders as he lowered his face to yours. He seemed to be getting more comfortable invading your personal bubble by the minute. Not that your personal space was ever a concern for Uvogin, but he was certainly getting increasingly touchy.

"Fei's another one of your soulmates; you excited?" Uvogin asked. His green eyes flickered as he lowered his face closer to yours.

 'This guy needs to back up; doesn't he see how close we are?' You thought, trying to back away.

Uvogin did see how close you were, he could sense how hard your muscles tensed to break out of his side hug and back away. He thought it was almost cute how little strength you had compared to him. Alas, the moment didn't last as Chrollo finally emerged from deep within the building, and Uvogin let you go, turning to his leader instead.

'Saved by the devil. Literally.' You rubbed your already bruising shoulder. 'Another injury for me to heal later; great.' You thought. 

"Why have you called everyone here, boss?" Piped up Bonolenov in his deep, calm voice.

"We will be leaving from here, traveling together to the Kotoritana Republic. Pakunoda will meet us there. The Zasaka family, who are oligarchs in the area, are in possession of some incredibly rare and valuable antiques. Some ancient manuscripts as well. We will be taking them." Said Chrollo. 

As much as you disliked the guy, you had to hand it to him: he had a magnetic presence. Whenever he talked, it was like no one in the room existed except for him, and you could tell that this man commanded the complete respect of the phantom troupe members. 

"Another job? But it's been less than a week since we hit the Museum?" Asked Machi, her arms folded as she leaned against the crumbling walls.

"You're right. But this will be a litmus test of our increased power." Chrollo said, his eyes straying toward you. 

"Another job? Hell yeah!" Came Uvogin's voice from your side.

"You sure it's a good idea to travel right now? What if she tries to run off?" Phinks piped up beside you.

"I would be highly disappointed if she was stupid enough to do that." Said Chrollo. The warning in his voice was clear - try something at any leg of the journey, and you would be in deep shit. 

"I, for one, agree with Danchou. There's one of her and all of us. She would have to be a complete idiot to try anything." Said Shalnark.

Chrollo walked casually toward the boxes heaped against one of the walls. Reaching into one of the smaller crates, he brought out an antique, expensive, and most likely stolen bottle of wine. 

Ill-Fated (Phantom Troupe x Reader) [Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now