Chapter 5

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I woke up

What the hell that? Daniel said shirtless

Put a shirt on, god dad said

Then me and Rachel held hands

Is the lightning back?

Yeah, I think so I said

No, this is something else

Then me and Rachel ran and hugged each other

It's okay I said

Robbie and Emily hugged each other

What's that sound?

I picked up Rachel

I've never heard that before

Jason, Evan and Jamie came over and hugged Quinn

Is it them? Is it them?

We gotta go, where do we go?

Robbie, this is your house, where do we go?

Then me and Rachel ran to a room holding hand

Then Rachel hugged me

Danny hugged us as well

Are we still alive?

Then Rachel laid her head on my lap and I rested my head on Danny's shoulder as we slept

I used to get nightmares

I used to go to dad's room and lay with him in his bed like he would lay with me in my bed

Then I woke up

Then we left the house

Robbie carried rose and dad carried Rachel

Danny carried me

Daddy, what's going on?

Nothing darling he said

Then Robbie gave Rachel to Randy

I went with him

Robbie, Abby, get in

Then he looked around

Holy shit I said

Robbie, Abigail, get in

Why are you yelling?

It's ok

Then Robbie looked at him

Get in

Robbie took my hand

Let go of me I said

Then I got to the back

Then we were still driving

Rusty was scared Peter held her hand

Then I looked at my locket

Why the hell aren't we on the turnpike?

Because I don't want everybody to see we've got a working car

We'll stay along the Hudson till we find a beige or ferry, then we'll cross the Hudson

And take back roads across Connecticut, all the way to Boston

Where is everybody?

I don't know, hiding in their basement, maybe

If we had any balls, we'd go back, find one of those things and kill it

I'm a girl I said

Yeah, good, why don't you let me make the big decision, ok?

Hey we're both 16 dad I said

Which would be when? Never, ray? Never's about your speed

Enough of the ray shit, all right?

Thank you I said

Abigail shut up dad said

It's dad, sir, of if you want, Mr Ferrier

Or father I said

Abigail shut the fuck up Jesus dad said

That's sounds a little weird to me, but you decide

You think I said


Yes, Rachel?

I gotta go to the bathroom

Oh shit


Yeah pop I said

Then we stopped somewhere

Come on, I gotta go

I'll take her I said

Not so fast, all right

There's two things we gotta watch out for, and the second is people who might want our car

There's nobody around

Yeah, I gotta go

Come on Rachel I said and took her hand

Then me and Rusty sat by a tree

Remember that one time we were hiking and you had used the bathroom so bad that people watched pissed on a tree rusty said

Shut up I said

It was hilarious

Remember that one time you peed your pants from a party I said

Shut up I had a lot of cokes

Then Rachel finished and we went to dad

You never keep a list I said to dad

Since when?

Remember that one time you didn't come to a basketball game for me I said

Then dad ran to Rachel and rose

Oh shit I said

Then dad cover her eyes

I told you to stay where I could see you

Then he picked her up

Then I fainted

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