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Back when we're young, we want to be a princess with a crown.
Not knowing that we're born to be a queen, with or without a crown.

Same as to the prince who thought he'll stay as knight when he grow old not knowing he's a king in his own rule.

We were young back then.
We stumbled.
We fall.
We break.
We cried the pain but because of the magic hand of our parents, it subsided.

Now that we're old enough to see the reality of the world,
Falling, breaking, and pain is far different.
We fall for us to learn how to stand up on our own.
We break to see who will stay until the end.
We feel pain because we are only human.

Princess when you were a kid
Prince back when you know nothing
Queen when you finally opened your eyes
King when you extended your hand for help

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