Chapter 2: To live or to survive.

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Throughout my summer break I studied books and videos about social skills extensively. The videos were not as specific as books, but they provided better examples. I would practice talking with my Sister, and she would "grade" me on how well I did. The first few weeks were abysmal, but the remainder of summer break went quite a bit better. I was able to hold a conversation with most people, and I was actually able to start conversations with strangers.
My parents enrolled me at Sylerra Advanced Schools of General Studies (S.A.S.G.S.) A High school that was built on the basis of new innovative and effective techniques for teaching children. The School was very large and had lots of funding. The only downside was that I would have to either live on campus or take online classes, and I made sure I wasn't going to take online classes.
The first day of high school was tomorrow, and I contemplated whether or not I should bring some cooking equipment to the dorm, or just buy some on the way.
"Just bring the stuff you already have. It works well enough doesn't it?" Luna says.
"You're right." I put everything into my suitcase and said "It feels weird packing a suitcase to go to a school."
Luna snickers, "You're telling me. When I went to high school I actually had to drive to campus."
"Well when you were my age S.A.S.G.S didn't exist." I yawned.
Luna paused for a few minutes as I set my suitcase at the front door. She then walked forward and said "I wont be seeing you tomorrow morning since you always get up earlier than I do, so this is my goodbye." She then hands me a rubber duck tie.
"I couldn't find anything with detectives n stuff on it, and rubber ducks are funny." Luna explains.
Taking the rubber duck tie, I happily put it in the suitcase and give Luna a hug. "Don't get into too much trouble while I'm gone." I tell her.
Luna says "And you dont get into too much trouble at school either."
We both laugh at our teases, and as the clock strikes 8:00pm I make my way to my room as Luna walks to the living room to continue her Journalism Job.

My alarm goes off at 6:00 sharp, and I quickly jump out of bed to get changed and wash up.
Saying goodbye to my home, even if I only lived here for 4 years, it still made me feel bad. But The feeling was overshadowed by a sense of excitement at the new possibilities this school brings.
After I put on my nice jeans and a white tee-shirt, I quickly grab my suitcase and run to the bus stop.
5 minutes pass until the bus reaches the bus stop, and as I climb on the bus driver asks "did you're parents finally kicked you out Aidyn?"
"Almost. I'm just moving to a different location, they didn't kick me out." I tell him as I pay the bus tab and sit down in my usual seat near the front. A few more people get on before the Bus departs.
On the ride there, I get to see the sights of Sylerra's beaches one more time. 
The track club was out on the beach as per usual, and the surfers were just arriving to set up their umbrellas in preparation for the hot day. 
The bus continues to drive inland for another half an hour . The new sights of the inland part of Sylerra fill me with excitement. All the new sights I had never seen before, it was like an entirely new world. Finally, we reached my stop at the front of S.A.S.G.S.
I get off the bus and thank the bus driver before grabbing my student ID and making my way to the entrance.
The security Guards at the front ask for my ID, and after I show it to them they permit my passing where there is a relatively large group of people waiting. At the front of the group, a man with dark gray hair and a wrinkled face is talking to a few of the students. He seems to be answering questions.
Nearby is a sign that says "Freshmen wait here." Below the words is an arrow pointing towards the group. I walk towards the old man to ask him a question.
I never get to ask this question however, because the sound of footsteps from another student entering the premises could be heard. I quickly glance over at the student. The glance was barely even a second, but i caught the sight of bandages, and familiar scars and scratches.
Before I could confirm who they were however, I was shoved to the side by one of the bigger students who impatiently asks the old man "The last student arrived, can we go to our dorms now?"
The old man looks around and says "Ah, I will be escorting you all to the dormitory building now. Please follow me." The old man turns around and begins walking further into the campus.
The students around me finally disperse enough to let me catch a breath of fresh air, but catching that breath of air is the least of my concerns. I quickly look around to try and locate the student with the scars, scratches, and bandages. I then catch sight of them near the side of the group, but they're ahead of me so I cant see their face. However, I can see the familiar black hair color, and paired with all the wounds, I know that Maya is attending this school as well. 

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