Life's Arc

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From a babe in arms, so small and new,
To a senior in wisdom, tried and true,
Life's journey weaves a tapestry grand,
A story of growth, hand in hand.

In innocence's cradle, we first awake,
Curious eyes and tiny hands that shake,
Learning to crawl, then walk, then run,
Exploring the world, chasing the sun.

Childhood's laughter, dreams so wide,
Imagination's endless tide,
Friendship blooms like flowers in May,
Innocence and joy light the way.

Teenage years, a stormy sea,
Navigating identity, wild and free,
Heartbreak and triumph, lessons learned,
Passions ignited, bridges burned.

Adulthood's call, responsibilities unfold,
Choices made, stories untold,
Building a life, a career, a home,
Facing challenges, just to stand alone.

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