Creek (South Park)

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I've wanted to state my opinion on this ship for such a long time

Ship Rating: 9/10

Why? It's an good ship, it's one of my favorite "enemies to lovers" canon ship. But I have to say what everyone else says. 

Wasn't it kinda forced? 

I don't really care but a lot of people ask that question. I don't think it's really that "forced" but it did become canon because of the Asian Girls wanting it to be real

Fandom Rating: -10/10

Why? Most of you guys fucking suck. Like you'd literally tell some kid to kill themselves because they don't ship creek. Most of the people attack EVERYONE and ANYONE who doesn't ship creek or ships Craig and Twerk with other characters. Like calm down let people have opinions 😭 (unless it's an actual bad ship, but let's be real. It's South Park, most people are weird and problematic) Also I've seen too much 🌽 of the two. Aren't they kids? 

Anyways if your the 1% of creek shippers that don't attack people for not liking creek, your awesome. Your rating is 10/10 your literally awesome I love y'all

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