the "best friends"

Start from the beginning

"That's really cool m/n. You should play with us sometime, or watch us play. What school do you go to?" Nagi suddenly spoke up, something unusual to Reo since he didnt usually speak first.

"I go to the same school as both of you.. we have all the same classes.."

"How come we've never noticed? Your little presence really is interesting m/n. Why don't you join the football team and play with us."

"Of course" m/n's eyes sparkled, the corners of his lip slowly twitching upwards.

"M/n! Come inside we're having teriyaki chicken and miso soup! I even put extra vegetables on your plate!" A soft yet loud female voice called from the second floor of the house on the far left, causing m/n to pick up the ball and start walking towards the sound.

"Let's play again later? 5pm?" m/n asked the two males who's faces were slightly red, "oh and by the way, next time we play outside while the sun is like this, bring a hat, your faces are red like you guys have a fever."

"Alright, bye m/n!" The two boys said in sync as m/n turned the corner, they felt their faces with their hands. Did m/n know the reason behind their blushing, or was he just really oblivious? It was never common for Sei to talk to someone for so long, especially someone he only recently met.

"Sei let's go inside to eat, then we'll go and knock at m/n's door at 5pm like he said. let's also ask him to come over. it'll be nice having someone new to play football and hang around with."

"Hmm.." Sei lazily replied, but the thought of seeing m/n again motivated him to walk faster.


"Oh! Hello, you must be Reo and Seishiro? m/n told me about how cool you are at football!" The woman radiated a warm aura. They felt as if they had just been in the sun, except it didn't make them sweat, but instead made them feel welcome.

"m/n is just upstairs, his room is to the far left. If you'd prefer to, you can ask him to stay in his room instead of going outside since he does prefer being inside and the sun is still dangerously hot, I wouldn't want anyone getting sick or hurt when I could've done something!"

"A-ah we were just about to ask you the same things but you've already answered all our questions. Thank you for letting us stay. We've also brought some fresh tri-dango Thank you for letting us stay!" Reo said with a smile on his face, yet he felt overwhelmed by the woman's warm aura.

Up the stairs was a comfortable red carpet, making them feel as if they were in a cloud.

"I could sleep on this floor instantly.. I want to come over more often Reo.." Sei said lazily as they approached m/n's room.

Seishiro softly knocked on the door. Seconds later, a delicate figure appeared in front of him. m/n was wearing biker shorts and a large t-shirt, he also rubbed him (eye color) eyes as if he had just woken up.

"Hi m/n. We wanted to ask you if we could stay inside since your mother said that you prefer to stay inside." Reo sweat dropped as Sei spoke instead of him.

"Ahh.. sure, if you had come knocking at my door I would've asked if we could stay inside since you looked like you had gotten a fever. Do you want to come inside my room and watch something?"

"Sure." They spoke in sync, as m/n moved further inside to allow them to come inside.

As they went further in, they noticed that m/n's room was clean, everything neatly in its own place. "Come sit on my bed, we can play some games on my ps5. Nagi, you seem like someone who plays games a lot. Can you give us a recommendation?" M/n softly spoke as he turned his torso to Sei, looking deep into his grey eyes.

"Let's play Far Cry 6. It's what I've been playing lately." Nagi chose, as he looked through your selection of games.

m/n reached for a controller headphones. "Far Cry 6 doesn't have split-screen. So two of us will have to play on mobile. Do any of you want to do it?"

"Sure. I'll play on mobile and one of you will play on the ps5. We can take turns."

In the end, Nagi ended up playing first one the ps5, but he fell asleep in the middle of a game because he leaned into m/n's pillow, feeling how soft it was. Reo heard m/n giggle for the first time, causing him to feel as if he was in slow motion, making him want the moment to last longer. M/n's soft cheeks widened as his precious smile stay onto his face.

"Since he fell asleep and it's already almost 1am, would you like to sleep over? You can borrow some clothes, if you want."

"Of course. Do you have any mattresses?"

"oh no don't worry about that. My bed is big enough for all three of us." M/n smile innocently, not realising what other meanings his words could have behind them.

"m/n.. you can be my new treasure like Sei.. let's be best friends. forever.

m/n giggled, feeling like the radiant sun had suddenly made itself clearer than ever in the midnight-black sky.

'but what exactly does Reo mean by 'treasure'..' m/n thought to himself.

The three of them ended up comfortably sleeping together. M/n in the middle of the two, with Sei and Reo hugging him as if he was a body pillow, or something they never wanted to let go of.

Nagi woke up, feeling as if he was in a foreign yet cloud-like bed. He felt his arms numb, yet ignored that feeling as he saw he was hugging m/n. Nagi ultimately felt the tiredness come back to him, forcing him into a deep, calming sleep as he let himself sink into the softness of the bed.


Seishiro and Reo haven't yet realised that they've already started falling for m/n

M/n will only allow people who he wants to be friends with into his room unless he was told by his parents to do so. Especially his bed, otherwise they would stay in the living room.

M/n recently moved near Reo and has trouble making friendships.

He has wanted to approach both of the boys for a while now, but is too shy.

his personality will be based off shoyo hinata and kuroko tetsuya

please feel free to tell me how I did for my first time!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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