Chapter Two

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After Jared had warmed up, he tried to speak, but Tori interrupted him abruptly, as she usually does when he tries to talk.

     "What are you doing here?" asked Tori, with her hands on her hips.

     He smirks at her. "Well, Krista told me something."

     Krista told him! Tori is furious at her friend. It wasn't her place to tell him or to tell anyone for that matter. Hell, she didn't know if it was true or not. Jared finds a wall to lean against; arms crossed over chest; he's waiting for her to answer him or tell him.

     Tori goes to her desk and hops on top of it. "I don't know if it's true or not. But I bet you have a feeling that it is true, or you know."

     He grins at her knowingly. "I do have good instincts."

     "Sure, you do." Rolling her eyes.

     Jared puts his right hand over his heart and looks offend. "If I didn't I wouldn't be best friends with you."

     He does have a point there, Tori just doesn't want to feed into his ego. He already has a big ego, let's not make it any bigger.

     Jared has moved from where he was leaning and moved to Tori's bed. She doesn't mind; she moves to her bed as well. Both of them sit and talks for what feels like hours.

     They both don't hear the door unlock or open until Krista walks in, loud as always. When  Krista looks at the two of them she smirks, and it rubs Tori the wrong way. The wrong way meaning that she started to blush, and her stomach did summer salts. She has no idea what is going on with herself.

     Why am I feeling this way? Tori questions herself.

     She isn't sure she wants to know the answer.

     "Well, I guess it's time for me to bounce." Jared says as he gives Tori a kiss on her cheek and then leaves.

     "Are we-" Krista begins to question.

     Tori interrupts her, "No."

     "Okay, I'll leave it alone for now."

Hearing a knock on the door wakes both Tori and Krista up from their slumber. When no one answers the door, the person on the other side knocks again but louder and harder. That got both of them up.

     "Give us a moment to brush our teeth. We have morning breath." Tori says to the person that is standing outside of their door.

     After brushing their teeth and brushing their hair, Krista opens the door. "Good morning Belle!" Too loud and cheerful first thing in the morning.

     "Good morning girls! Tori, may I speak with you?" Belle asks.

     "Yeah," she says as she yawns.

     Belle motions for her to come out into the hallway with her so they can talk and not have Krista overhear, which she probably will anyway knowing that she will eavesdrop on the conversation.

     Belle takes a deep breath before speaking. "Tori, you are going to the land of the living to go fix somethings. You will also have a partner."

     So, it is true. Tori says to herself.

     Belle continues, "Your partner is Jared Lynn."


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