Chapter One

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Undecided isn't that bad for most people. Meeting all different types of people, and hearing their stories, pulls people towards them, Tori Waller would know. Tori has met some interesting people with some interesting stories that have captivated her and others. Some people who are placed in Undecided have magic, elemental magic. There's earth, water, fire, lightning, thunder, wind, and snow. Tori is special, she has two types of magic: snow and fire. But the earth also protects her and helps her out with anything. She has asked how and why she has two types of magic, but no one has an answer for her. Her dorm resistant, who has been in Undecided for thirty years, has no answer for her, which stinks.

     "Tori!" Her best friend called her name.

     Every day Krista Walker yells her name even when they aren't even ten feet apart, but this time they are more than ten feet apart. So, the yelling was necessary. It's also in Krista's nature to be loud. She couldn't help it; her whole family was loud.

     Tori sighs. "What do you want Krista?"

     Krista comes jogging up to her. Krista's brown curly hair bounces as she runs, it's cute, only if a guy would notice it. That's what Tori hopes for her best friend, not for herself. Krista finally made it to Tori. Tori wasn't even that far from where Krista yelled her name, but it took her more than two minutes for Krista to catch up to her. Slowpoke!

     Krista flashes a smile at Tori. "No need to be rude."

    She rolls her eyes. "I didn't know that I was being rude."

     "Whatever. Anyway, I got some news for you."

     Tori makes a hand gesture to her best friend for her to continue speaking.

     Krista takes a deep breath not knowing how Tori will take the news, even though it's good news, but it may sound like bad news to Tori. "You are going to the land of the living to go fix some things."

     Her eyes go wide, it looks like they are going to pop out of her head. It wouldn't be the first time someone's eyes have popped out of their head. "What do you mean I'm going to the land of the living to go fix some things?"

     Krista dips her head. "I don't know. All I know is that you are going to the land of the living to fix some things. And I know that you are not going to your hometown, but you are going somewhere in the south, which is good because you do have a southern or western drawl. I don't know which type of drawl you have but you sound country."

     She takes a deep breath. "I'll just go ask Belle; she should know since she is our dorm resident. Also, I'm from Louisiana, so I'm from the south. I have a southern drawl, not a western drawl."

     "I agree she should know. That makes sense." Krista finally gets it. She can be slow sometimes, wait no, she's slow all the time.

     The two best friends walk together at the same pace, even though Tori is taller than Krista. They both talk about everything from shoes to boys. Boys for Krista, not Tori. Tori hasn't had an interest in boys since being in the Undecided, it's not because she's lesbian or bisexual, it's because there isn't anyone who has caught her eye or her attention. Many have caught Krista's eye and her attention.

     The walk wasn't long at all, but they kept on walking for an hour just talking. People rush by for some reason, it's not like anyone has to be anywhere.

     Tori is now all alone in her and Krista's dorm room. Krista left to go hang out with her other friends, she asked Tori if she wanted to go but Tori said no. Her mind is everywhere because of the news Krista told her. She has no idea how to handle it, but it sounds like good news, right? The Undecided is unpredictable.

     There's a knock coming from the window. She ignores it. The knocking keeps on going the longer she ignores it. Finally, giving in to her annoyance with this person. When she gets to her window, she sees that her window is wet. Someone is knocking using water. So original, she thought to herself. And she knows who it is, unfortunately. Water and fire do not mix well, well they don't mix at all.

     After opening the window, Tori gets water to the face. She smiled to herself because he was going to regret doing that to her. Jared Lynn is the same age as Tori but acts more like a child than their age. A seventeen-year-old acting like a five-year-old is nothing new for him. That's just who he is, and he gets on Tori's nerves all the time, not just because he has water magic but because he's just so annoying.

     The way that Tori's magic works is by her emotions, which is rare in The Undecided. She can use her magic anytime but it's more powerful when her emotions get involved. With her hands, she can use her fire magic, but with her mind and hair, she can use her snow magic. Only a very few people in the history of Undecided have been documented.

     She's livid and pissed because she got wet. By those emotions, the earth responds roots from a nearby tree break to the ground and wrap around Jared's waist. The roots lift him so he can be at eye level with Tori. Tori's glare made Jared shiver, but his face was red, she didn't know why though. And she doesn't care, well maybe she does care a little bit.

     Snow is now on Jared's face. He's not even two feet away from her, the roots placed him inside. Tori laughs, like really laughs.

     Jared is now standing right in front of her, he's soaking wet. Tori feels bad for him, so she uses her fireside to warm him up. She felt like being nice to him.

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