First Steps

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"You've got this!" Mal hollered through the phone.

"I've got my coffee and my badge to get in, so I'll take that win." Eli said as he weaved through other morning walkers on Wellesley Street.

Mal's laughter crackled slightly. "That's the spirit! You get to do really great work on things that matter for people you love. Just breathe and take lots of notes."

Eli adjusted his grip on his phone, balancing his coffee in his other hand as he navigated the bustling sidewalk. The morning sun cast long shadows between the buildings, the city already pulsing with energy. "You already know my note app is ready," Eli replied, his voice a mix of nerves and resolve. "It's just all a bit surreal, you know? I didn't go to school for political science, yet here I am."

"No, you were wrangling educators. Now you can wrangle politicians." she laughed, "The halls of power need more people like you anyway."

Eli paused at a street corner, waiting for the light to change, the hum of the city filling the brief silence between them. "More political nerds who collect photos with ministers? I don't think they do! Let's just hope I don't get lost today!"

"You won't. You'll have every hall memorized by the end of the week. Just don't become like the rest of the insufferable Toronto staffers or we're going to have words!" Mal quipped.

As the pedestrian light turned green, Eli stepped into the street, feeling a surge of determination. "Alright, here goes nothing. I'll catch you later."

"Go knock 'em dead!"

The call ended, and Eli slipped his phone into his pocket, his gaze lifting to the imposing pink palace ahead. With each step, the weight of his new badge against his chest felt less like a burden and more like a badge of honor—a tangible reminder of the path he'd chosen, fueled by a desire to contribute, to make a difference.

As he reached the building, Eli took a deep breath, squared his shoulders, and stepped inside, ready to embrace whatever the day held.

He made his down the corridor mumbling 2-6-3 under his breath until he found it. 'MPP Charlie McDougall' printed on the door. Eli hesitates, breathes deeply and steps inside.

Inside, was a cozy sitting area with a couch and two arm chairs. To the right was a small board table, and to the left was what Eli presumed to be his desk. Atop it sat a laptop and a phone, still boxed, beside a large printer and an ancient landline phone, yellowed from years of use. Behind the desk was a door, stood slightly ajar, allowing the muffled tones of MPP Charlie McDougall to filter through.

Eli took a moment to soak it all in - the maps of their expansive rural riding, the bookshelves lined with works by local authors, and walls adorned with art, some familiar and some intriguingly unknown.

"You made it!" Charlie exclaimed as he emerged from behind the door, his call concluded. He strode over with an outstretched hand. With a blend of nervousness and excitement Eli shook it, returning the gesture with a smile. "Welcome! I'd give you tour, but you're looking at it. Jenna, King's leg assistant will be here any minute and she's agreed to show you the ropes."

Sounds good," Eli responded, his voice tinged with genuine eagerness. He couldn't help feeling a bit out of his depth, being hired by a rookie MPP as his sole staff member in Toronto, especially given his background was rooted more in education management than direct politics. Unlike the typical political aides who entered Queen's Park straight from their undergraduate programs, Eli brought to the table a master's degree in Educational Leadership and Administration along with substantial experience in educational program coordination in the Catholic system. The thought of being a thirty-something newcomer among seasoned political staffers, all while navigating the complexities of this new environment, was indeed daunting.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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