OC~ Lucille Grace Van Kirk

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Full Name- Lucille Grace Van Kirk

Nickname(s)- Luce, Lucy, L, Princess

Age- 22

Birthday: 04/01/2004

Gender/Pronouns- She/Her

Sexuality- Bisexual

Ethnicity- Caucasian

Likes- * Oreo milkshakes, Soul Cycle, Staying up late, Watching old soap operas ironically, Going Hiking with Liam, Gossiping

Dislikes- Spending any time with her mother over an hour, White Cheddar Cheezits, Early mornings, Crowds as a whole, Homophobes

Personality (positive and negative traits)

Chatty- She likes to talk. A lot.

Extrovert- The words "Golden retriever energy" have been used to describe Lucy once or twice.

Nosy- She can be very involved in other people's business- even when she probably shouldn't be.

People pleaser- Lucy grew up craving her mother's attention. Unfortunately, her attention was always on her little golden boy, Liam. Whenever Lucy was actually able to capture her mother's attention, she found herself on the receiving end of some degrading complaint. So, she found attention elsewhere. For example, she grew up a teacher's pet. She's found herself willing to bend backward to get people to stay in both her relationships and friendships.

Clingy- Furthermore, Lucy can get quite Clingy. She hates being alone. It likely has something to do with the fact that she grew up feeling alone a lot of times. Even in a mansion filled with her perfect nuclear family and many house staff.

Hobbies- Tennis, Soul Cycle, Playing Piano, Spelunking, Painting

Occupation- Personal Trainer/ Yoga Instructor

Strengths- Confident in her sexuality, though it has been a rather difficult journey. Cares a great deal for her loved ones, and passionate about life.

Weaknesses- Nosy, Gossiper, needy, Spoiled

Weaknesses- Nosy, Gossiper, needy, Spoiled

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Hair Color- Light Brown

Eye color- Blue

Skin Tone- Alabaster

Tattoos- Dolphin tattoo on her shoulder, red heart tattoo on her hip, three butterflies directly below her breast and her rib (one

Tattoos- Dolphin tattoo on her shoulder, red heart tattoo on her hip, three butterflies directly below her breast and her rib (one

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Darkest Secret- When she was in high school, she stole her mother's grandmother's ring. She was pissed off with her mother because of a stupid spat between the two of them. Laura decided that instead of giving her ring to her youngest, she was instead going to give it to Liam. He was reallyyy involved with his girlfriend at the time. So, she decided to retaliate against her mother by trading the ring for a decent haul for a party with her friends. Laura never found out that it was her and the insurance money cover it. Alls well that ends well.

Biggest Dream- Opening up her gym on her own merits.

Deepest fear- When asked, Lucy would say something like sharks or being locked in an elevator. But really it's being alone.


Jeff/Monica Colby

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