Chapter 4

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Gena watches as Nora and Gordon regroup with sunni and fritzie on the stairs as she watches them arguing through the shadows as sunni screams in Gordon's face until fritzie calms her down not noticing they were being watched from the shadows.

She watches as fritzie leads the way as they had to travel through a small crawling passage as she walks past them through the shadows as Nora felt chills down her spine as she looks around.

Gena appears on the other side of the tunnel were the soldier was byt he couldn't see her as she glares at him from the darkness as she summons her cats as she hears them hissing loudly as the humans panic she watches shadows as she smirks hearing her husband growl deeply making the humans crawl faster as the soldier helps them out before shooting his gun pissing her off as she makes the room darker as fritzie looked around as he could have sworn he heard a growl.

She watches as they jump back as her cats jump out before disappearing she watches as the soldier leans in looking before she hears Anubis growl as she smirks watching as her husband grabs onto the soldier with his claws making the humans scream as he pulls hard making the soldier bend back as bones were heard breaking as he was dragged off into the tunnel leaving them all shocked huddled into a corner quickly turning off the light as they wait as deep growls were heard in the distance.

"What was that"Nora whispered as they quietly talk to them selfs in the dark as Gena watches the humans get up she noticed sunni's scratch was becoming effected do to the toxic air her eyes were slowly becoming infected to as fritzie turned on his camera light as they try to figure a way out.

"We need to find an exit right now"Nora says breathing hard as Gena watches as they looks around the room as Gordon reads hieroglyphics off a wall telling Anubis and Genas story.

"No way she can't be immortal or a goddess it's not possible dad"Nora says shaking her head Gena couldn't be either of those things.

"Think about it more she brought us here and shes been acting strange once we found the pyramid it makes since"Gordon says as they realize he's telling the truth as they share nervous looks Gena smirks sensing there fear as she watches them walk through an arch way as she follows from the shadows what the humans didn't know was there was a booby trap that has been in there since ancient times as stone cat faces were above them down the tunnel just waiting to pour out sand to burie them alive as Gordon touched a hanging slab with carvings.

She smirks as it falls breaking from the rope blocking the way they came as sand starts to pour on them as she watches them rush forward as fast as they can through the sand as they scream.

Gena watches from the exit entrance as sunni makes it out first but catches her self as she sees nothing but sharp spikes on the lower floor before feeling a breeze as she turns around seeing Gena smirking at her"boo"she says before roaring making sunni scream as she falls back off the edge straight onto the spikes stabbing her in different parts of her body waits,thigh and leg as she screams in agony before low hissing was heard as cats come out as they rush at sunni biting at her tearing her flesh as she bleeds out.

"What the hell!"she turns seeing fritzie stareing at her in shock holding his camera as she smirks as she waves at him mockingly before laughing as she falls back before disappearing in black dust as he was left breathing heavily as Gordon helped Nora out of the chest deep sand as fritzie uncaps a flare before lighting it as he throws it down scaring away the cats as a red glow shines on the lower floor.

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