[Boring classes]

22 2 0

/Felix's pov/

I sat down on my usual spot, i have biology right now and i hate it but i guess i could stare at one certain seniors hair all class long.

Except that this one senior decided to sit next to me.

"Hey Felix" I heard Changbin's voice as he sat on the chair next to mine.

"Hi Changbin hyung" I replied as i felt my heartbeat quicken and i felt these stupid butterflies in my stomach.

"No need to be formal. Hows it going?" he asked and i took a deep breath trying to calm down a bit.

"i'm doing fine actually, yk Hannie got a date. i'm so happy for him" I explained and smiled, bc indeed i was happy to see my best friend happy.

"I see, i hope this guy is good for him." Changbin frowned a little, i guess him and Han being good friends since forever makes him worry a bit.

"Yeah but he seems great, Han has only talked positive so far." I said.

"Yeah, thats how it is always at first when you have a crush, then slowly when you get closer to them, they start showing their true colors and maybe they arent so nice afterall. Whats his name?" He asked and after what he said made me wonder if it was the same with him.

"Michael... idk his last name" I answered.

"He is on the football team.. hm He seems fine, kinda off sometimes but ig fine" Changbin nodded.

"Oh-" I was about to say something but the teacher walked in and we decided to keep quiet.

I mean quiet but i slipped a note to him anyway.

"Wdym by him being off?"

He wrote back immediately.

"Off like, sometimes he says weird shit but i guess he could be just joking and his humour is very dark"

I read the note and wrote back.

"what does he say for example...? I really don't want my best friend to date some weirdo!"

He smiled a little at the note and then slipped it back.

"He once made a joke about SA and things like that, it wasn't funny but we laughed it off because he said it was only joke"

I grew a little concerned about who this guy was after reading that. I just nodded and then continued on with biology.

(listening weekend 😍)

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