"Did I?"

Eddie spoke again, "Yeah. You said red."

Lindsey's anxiety began to grow. Her hand moved to rest on her stomach, trying to find some comfort. The baby must have sensed her worry because it began to kick right where her hand had moved to.

"Are you sure?" Joe asked and this time Maddie came through, "Yes! Yes!"

Lindsey couldn't help herself, she grabbed her radio and added, "Yes! You said red! Do you even know what you are doing?" Her last words probably didn't need to be said but she couldn't help it.

"Okay, okay, uh...let's go with red."

Lindsey let out a scoff in shock. Let's go with red? Is he serious? The radio was silent and Lindsey anxiously waited. Her eyes glued to the home.

She let out the breath she was holding as she watched the 118 walk out with the man. Bucks eyes met hers again and he gave her a light smile and nod.

Lindsey made her way up the stairs of the station. "Linds, look at you! You look ready to pop." Hen said as she moved towards Lindsey, her hands resting on Lindsey's stomach.

"I know!" She said with a laugh, "And I still have ten weeks left."

Hen smiled, "Those ten weeks are gonna fly by."

"This whole pregnancy has gone a lot faster than than I thought it would...but enough about me, how's being Captain going?" Lindsey asked as she took a seat at the table, Hen sitting next to her. "A lot easier than the first time, that's for sure."

"Yeah, it probably helps that you don't have to worry about school work this time."

A beeping sound was heard and both women turned to see the truck backing in to the station. Hen looked at Lindsey with a smirk, "That should be your fiancé."

Lindsey rolled her eyes with a laugh. Her head then turned to see Buck and Eddie make their way up the stairs. "Linds, you're here early." Buck said with a smile. He walked over to kiss her but she pulled back, "First, if you want a kiss go wipe your face, you're a mess," She said with a laugh and Buck nodded before walking over to the sink to wipe his face. "And second, this little one was moving so much I could barely focus. Maynard said she would cover the rest of my shift so I could rest."

Eddie moved to sit at the table, "Shouldn't you be going on maternity leave soon?"

"Yes," Buck said before she could answer, "But she decided to cover for Athena while she's gone." He then placed a kiss on her lips and took the seat next to her.

"Anyways," Lindsey said as she turn to Eddie, "I heard someone had a date last night."

Eddie nodded with a laugh, "Yep."

"And how did that go?" Lindsey asked, leaning forward onto her elbows.

"Well..." Eddie trailed off as he looked over at Buck. "Let's just say, Christopher's a player." Buck said and Lindsey jaw dropped.

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