The Unknown Guest

Start from the beginning

As the CEO of Diversity, I was proud to see my team working together to achieve our goals. We discussed the progress of our current projects and brainstormed new ideas to stay ahead in the market. Elijah, our marketing manager, presented a detailed analysis of our sales and advertising strategies, which showed a significant increase in our profits. Jim, our head of operations, shared his plans for streamlining our production process and reducing costs. Kade, our head of human resources, gave an update on the diversity and inclusion initiatives we had implemented in the company, which had resulted in a more diverse and inclusive work environment. Kirk, our finance manager, presented a financial report that showed a steady growth in our revenue and a decrease in expenses. Tee, our head of research and development, shared his team's latest innovations and ideas for future products. It was inspiring to see how each member of my team brought their unique skills and ideas to the table, and how together we were able to create a successful and inclusive company. After the meeting, we took a tour of the company and I introduced my colleagues to the rest of the staff. It was heartwarming to see the camaraderie and teamwork among all the employees, regardless of their backgrounds. As we walked through the different departments, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the diverse and talented team I had the privilege of working with. Diversity was not just a name for my company, but a core value that we all believed in and strived to uphold. It was already lunch time , so i announced for a small Lunch celebration for my team , where we toasted to our success and the bright future ahead for Diversity. As I looked around the table, surrounded by my team and friends, I couldn't help but feel proud of what we had achieved together and excited for all the potential that lay ahead for us, both as a company and as individuals. This was more than just a business venture, it was a journey that brought us all together and made us stronger as a team. Even though I don't really care about this firm, I just do this to ensure Becky's safety and my ability to be with her always.

After returning from the company, Kirk, Kade, Tee, Jim, and Elijah prepared for the Rosewood College graduation ceremony, of which we were all the chief guests. I wore light makeup with a few hues and black formal attire. Kirk and his companions donned black formal attire, and following our preparations, we headed to Rosewood College.

As we reached there, the whole campus was decorated with lights and colorful balloons. There were banners and posters everywhere congratulating the graduates. The energy in the air was buzzing with excitement and anticipation. Mr. Robert Williams 'the dean of the collage' has already started giving speech, but my eyes was searching for Becky.

Mr. Robert Williams: 'Good evening, graduates, professors, and esteemed guests. It is an honor to stand before you today as we celebrate the achievements of our graduating class.

As we look back on the past few years, I am filled with pride and admiration for each and every one of you. You have worked hard, overcome challenges, and grown into intelligent, capable individuals ready to take on the world.

But before we move on to the next chapter of our lives, I have a special announcement. Our guest of honor has arrived and I am thrilled to introduce them to you.

Please join me in welcoming Ms. Freen Sarocha Chankimha, a successful richest businesswoman all over the and royal blood , to our graduation ceremony. Ms. Freen Sarocha Chankimha has graciously taken time out of his busy schedule to share some words of wisdom with us. She came here with her friends who are also her business partners Kirk, Kade, Jim, Elijah & Tee.

{Freen: We were greeted by the faculty and staff of the college, who were all dressed in their finest attire. We were then escorted by Mr. Robert Williams , to the main auditorium where the graduation ceremony was about to begin. ( I heard a very loud heartbeat pounding "dak-dhak, dak-dhak" , even my friends can hear that). The auditorium was filled with proud parents, family members, and friends of the graduates. The seats were all taken but there was still a sense of warmth and camaraderie in the air. As the ceremony began, we were introduced as the Chief guests and were given a standing ovation by the audience. We took our seats on the stage, alongside the college principal and other dignitaries. Soon Mr. Robert Williams ask me to share some words. I stood and went towards the stage and Mr. Robert Williams handed me the mike }

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