Graduation Day

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Third Person POV

Freen told her friends that she needed to see Becky since she was losing control of her emotions and would be going to her house. Fortunately, it was midnight, or around 2:30 am, and she ran quickly. Freen found Becky's residence after learning of her whereabouts.

Freen's POV

I told my friends that I needed some time alone, they didn't question it. They knew that I needed to recharge and reflect, and they gave me the space I needed to do so. Elijah, my closest friend, was the only one I told about my plans for the night. I told him that I was going to see Becky. It was already midnight, and using my hybrid powers, I moved at an incredible speed, making it to Becky's house in no time. I have always been careful to not let anyone see me using my powers, but just in case, I had asked Elijah to deal with any potential witnesses.

As I climbed up to Becky's room, I couldn't help but marvel at my abilities. Being a hybrid, I have the strengths of both a vampire and a werewolf, making me faster and stronger than any human. I also have the ability to enter anyone's home without their permission, a power that has often come in handy. But tonight, I wasn't here for any mischief or adventure. I was here to see Becky, as i miss her so much.

I found her curled up in her bed, sleeping soundly. She looked so peaceful, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness towards her. I knelt down beside her, gazing at her stunning face. I knew that she was dreaming, and that she was seeing me and our other friend in her dream. But I didn't want her to get scared or have a panic attack, so I used my powers to blot out our faces from her dream once again. I have the ability to control dreams and enter dream worlds, and I wanted to make sure that Becky was having a peaceful dream.

I spent over an hour in her room, just watching her sleep. I couldn't help but think about how my powers could affect others. It was a responsibility that I didn't take lightly. I have the ability to manipulate and control things, but I have to be careful not to cause harm or interfere too much in others' lives. But in that moment, as I watched Becky sleeping peacefully, I knew that using my powers to protect her was worth it.

Before I left, I leaned down and kissed her forehead. She stirred slightly, but fortunately, she was still asleep. I made my way back to my house, feeling a sense of peace and contentment. I was grateful for my abilities, and for the trust that my friends had in me. I knew that I had the power to make a positive impact on the people around me, and that was a responsibility that I would always take seriously. As I arrived back home & saw my friends were chitchatting. Today is Saturday and Becky will get graduated. I already spoke to Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra about us to be chief guest and luckily he arranged everything for us, even he arranged the security guards. I told Kirk about it earlier.

Kirk: 'Hey guys, Freen just told me that Rosewood College has invited us to be the chief guest for their graduation ceremony!'

Jim: 'That's the same collage where Becky's study right?'

Kade: 'Yeah,

Tee: 'I guess Freen must have talk to Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, for us to go there as chief guest

Elijah: 'Yes she might have done that as she want see Becky getting graduating.

Freen: 'Actually, I asked Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra to invite us. He's a big supporter of the college.' But I'm scared if becky see us she might get panic attacks.

Kirk: 'I understand you're worry about becky, but she need to face this someday and thats today.'

Jim: 'Beside that all we are here with you Freen, we will always be there for you both.

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