I. ᵁⁿᵉˣᵖᵉᶜᵗᵉᵈ ⁱⁿᵗᵉʳᵛⁱᵉʷˢ

Start from the beginning

Clara ❤️✓⃝
Bae looking extra fine
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Riley Heart 💚✓⃝
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Anastasia 💜✓⃝
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Mother ?
It's a joke they have since Clara Riely Bella and Elora are all fifteen and Anastasia is 17 so it's a joke but for Brooklyn she's just older sis vibes YK
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Oh sorry I'm a new fan



The studio lights gleamed as Elora Rose made her entrance onto the set of the Jimmy Fallon show. The audience erupted into cheers and applause as she walked confidently across the stage, her smile radiant and her energy infectious.

Dressed in a stylish yet elegant ensemble, Elora exuded charisma and charm as she waved to the excited crowd, soaking in the warm reception. The theme music swelled as she took her seat beside Jimmy Fallon, the host grinning from ear to ear at her arrival.

"Elora Rose Blair , everybody!" Jimmy exclaimed as he hugged Elora , his voice booming with enthusiasm. "Welcome back to the show! It's such a pleasure to have you here tonight."

Elora returned the host's smile , sitting down on the couches , her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Thank you so much, Jimmy! It's so great to be back here again ."

The audience erupted into applause once again as Jimmy leaned in, eager to kick off the conversation. "Well, we're so glad you could join us tonight , um first of I wanted to just say, you've been making waves lately with all your incredible projects so I wanted you to congratulate! And you recently won an award and cinamacon "

Elora's smile widened at the compliment, a blush tinting her cheeks. "Aw, thank you, Jimmy. It's been a whirlwind, but I'm just grateful for the opportunities.and yes it was um I'm lost on words but I was so grateful and shocked to have won "

As the conversation flowed, Elora's natural charm and charisma captivated both Jimmy and the audience alike. With each anecdote and revelation, she drew them into her world, effortlessly weaving tales of her experiences and adventures in Hollywood.

" so recently you attended this Disney event where you gave some surprise announces about Deadpool " he said pulling a up a picture " how was that like ?"

Elora grinned, excitement evident in her voice. "Oh, it was incredible, Jimmy! The energy was electric, and it felt amazing to finally share what we've been working on. The fans were so supportive, and it was just such a thrill to be a part of it."

Jimmy nodded enthusiastically, clearly impressed. "I can only imagine! And speaking of the event,what was the best part "

" oh my gosh you'll never believe this " she said putting a hand in jimmys desk " so I'm doing this interview right now" she said moving her hands as she spoke

" uh huh " jimmy said intrigued

"As the night progresses me, Ryan, and Hugh just finished our Deadpool thingy... whatever, that's fine," Elora began, her tone punctuated with pauses as she reminisced. "I go on to reunite and see some of the Marvel cast because, for people who don't know, I played Morgan Stark in Avengers: Endgame."

Jimmy leaned in, eager for more details.

Elora nodded, a sparkle in her eyes. "So, I'm over in the corner, talking to tom - Tom Hiddleston not holland though tom and Z I miss you guys oh and I was also with and Lizzie - Elizabeth Olsen. I'm just, you know, catching up with them and I was looking at the crowd, saw those two again they were freaking out over Star Wars or something like I could hear them say it like we weren't to far away and I was like, maybe Leah Sava Jeffries was here too, and I really wanted to see her , but I don't think she was there ."

The audience murmured with anticipation, hanging onto Elora's every word.

"So I continued my conversation, and then Tom leaves, and me and Lizzie are, you know, catching up, gossiping, since Lizzie is like another mother to me," Elora continued, her voice filled with warmth." Oh and also Blake like the Reynolds - Livley clan are my second family as well "

Jimmy grinned, nodding in understanding. "Ah, the Marvel family always sticks together."

"Exactly!" Elora exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious. "And Lizzie is like oh where's Tom gone cause she hadn't noticed and I look over and Tom taking a picture with them."

"Did you take a picture with them?" Jimmy asked, leaning in with a grin.

Elora let out a theatrical sigh, her expression turning momentarily sad, before breaking into a grin. "Well... no," she replied, adding a touch of melodrama to her voice.

Jimmy chuckled at her response, his laughter infectious as it spread throughout the audience. Elora couldn't help but join in, her laughter ringing out alongside Jimmy's.

 Elora couldn't help but join in, her laughter ringing out alongside Jimmy's

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