Ready to go?

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After picking tae from kindergarten hobi and yoongi go Jeon mansion.

In Jeon mansion

In Jeon mansion

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In living room

Here hobi and tae were playing with each other with tae's car collection

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Here hobi and tae were playing with each other with tae's car collection.

Tae: Vroom!! Vroom!!

And tae hit his car to hobi car hardly and hobi car fell from the table on which they were doing racing.

Hobi: Yaah! Tae it's not fair! ( Whining)

Hobi started tickling tae hard.
Tae laughed cutely.

Yoongi who was in kitchen making lunch smiled at their naughtiness.

That's when yoongi phone 📱 started ringing.

Yoongi received the phone after seeing caller ID

It was " Hubby 💓"

On call:         ( Normal - kook
                           Italic - yoongi)
Hello kook!

Hey darling!!! What are you doing?

I am making lunch. You had your lunch?

Ani.. Darling. I want my wifey to feed me.

Kook! Stop it ( blushing)

Why? Is my cute little pretty wifey getting shy? ( Teasing)

Kook!! Now stop this and tell me why you didn't have your lunch yet?

Actually I am going to attend my last meeting in 10 min and after that I will come home directly to have lunch.

Huh! Suddenly? What happened?

Actually hyung I am going on a mission so for that I need to pack some things from home.

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