chapter-1 A day in ishika's life

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I woke up to the sound of the azan from the nearby mosque, the first call to prayer breaking the early morning silence. I stretched and yawned, realizing with a jolt that I had overslept. Jumping out of bed, I quickly performed my morning ablutions and got dressed in my favorite salwar kameez, the vibrant colors brightening my mood.

Living in Varanasi, the city of temples and ghats, I felt a sense of peace and belonging. I knew I was fortunate to study at Banaras Hindu University (BHU), one of the best colleges in the country. Getting into BHU had been a dream come true for me, and I had worked tirelessly to achieve it.Hurrying through the bustling streets, I finally reached the college gates, where my friends Divya, Shreya, and Tanu were waiting for me.

"Hey Ishika, you're late again!" Divya teased, her laughter echoing in the morning air.

"I know, I know. Overslept again," I admitted sheepishly.

"Don't worry kumbhkarni ji we know" Shreya said, linking arms with me as we walked to class.

The day passed in a blur of lectures and discussions, with me fully immersed in my studies. During our break, we sat under the shade of a tree, sharing stories and laughter.

"By the way guys Shreya is going on a date tonight" Tanu said, excitement evident in her voice.

"Ooh really, spill the details!" Divya exclaimed, leaning in.

"Yeah, she's going out with Rishabh, right?" I added, curious.

"How do you guys know all this and i don't", Divya asked whining.

"We both saw her talking to Risabh", tanu chimed in.

"And i asked her later in class what they were talking about" tanu said.

Shreya blushed, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "Yes, he's taking me out for dinner. I'm so nervous!"

Tanu chimed in, "Oh, come on, Shreya! You'll be fine. Just enjoy yourself and don't spill food on your dress!"

"But what am I to wear? I really don't know. I don't have anything to wear," Shreya asked with frown.

"Umm, why don't you wear your red dress, the one that you wore on your birthday?" Divya suggested.

"Yeah you look sexy in it who knows our shreya finally get her first kiss'' i teased her.

"ishika yrr",shreya blushed.

We all laughed and teased her.

After college, I headed to the library, my sanctuary of knowledge. Surrounded by ancient texts and the smell of old books, I felt at home, my mind absorbing every word I read.

As the sun began to set, I packed up my books and headed home. I lived with my aunt, uncle, and my cousin brother, who was always full of energy and mischief. My aunt welcomed me with a warm smile and a delicious dinner, the aroma of spices filling the air.

"Welcome home, ishika. Dinner's ready," she called out.

"Thank you, aunty. It smells amazing," I replied, taking a seat at the table.As we ate, my cousin shared stories from his day at school, animatedly recounting his adventures. My aunt, in her usual lively manner, shared the latest gossip from the colony, while my uncle hummed a tune in between.

Listening to my family's conversations,I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness.
"My cousin's cheerful early teenage years served as a stark reminder of a time when I, too, should have been carefree and happy. Instead, I found myself weighed down by burdens beyond my years."

My thoughts soon turned to my uncle, the man who was supposed to protect me to save me from the world but was the one who sexually assaulted me when i was child and i know all of you might think that i must hate him and get panic attacks and all but ironically i don't, i don't hate him nor i get panic attacks i just feel pity for the child me she didn't deserve that,i just live with the guilt that i could have saved myself but i didn't and i wonder everytime he looks at me what go through his mind. Does he think i don't remember what he did to me every time he would ask me to sit on his lap when no one was around?

After having my dinner i did dishes and went to bed.

Despite my mixed emotions, I was happy. My final year classes were ending the next day, and exams were scheduled for the following month. I was also going to visit my parents in the village tomorrow and stay for a few days,with all these thoughts i drifted off to sleep.

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