Learning the truth

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Izuku quickly ran around, trying to get home. Izuku quickly went through the front door and closed it. He panted with a smile on his face. He's got powers, he saved people, and he was called a hero. Something none of his family ever did.

Speaking of his family, he noticed it was quiet. He looked around, but his mom or dad wasn't around and neither was Nana. That's when he saw the answering machine with a blinking light so he pushed it.


Mira: Hi Nana, it's Mom. I know you're at your friends having a sleepover so you probably won't hear this until tomorrow.

Izuku: 'Of course she would completely forget about me.'

Mira: Me and your father probably won't be home until late tomorrow. We're taking care of something super important for work. If you get hungry, there's some leftovers in the fridge. Make sure to do all your schoolwork and don't stay up too late. I love you, bye.

Izuku: *Sniffle*

He clenched his fist in anger as he felt hurt from not even being cared for by his own family

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He clenched his fist in anger as he felt hurt from not even being cared for by his own family. That's when he kicked the table leg.

Izuku: Stupid Mom. *Punches the wall* Stupid Dad!

He angrily gripped his hair as more tears flowed. He then saw a small ball on the floor.

Izuku: STUPID!! *kicks ball* NANA!!!

The ball bounced around and hit a nightstand that fell over and hit a cabinet. The door opens and something comes rolling out. Izuku was confused by this item. He walked to the nightstand and put it back before examining the item. It looked like a baby carrier. But wasn't a normal one. It looked like it was made of advanced technology.

Izuku: 'Why was this in there?'

The young boy picked it up and moved it around, eyeing it. Until something stung his thumb and he let go.

Izuku: Ow!

DNA Match confirmed

He was taken back by the robotic voice of the carrier. Soon enough a small device came out and beamed out a light. The light took form as a hologram of a woman with long purple hair and animal ears on top. She also wore a royal dress with a yellow cloak and a gold crown on top. Izuku's eyes widen in disbelief.

Izuku: 'It's her. The nice lady from my dreams.'

The hologram locked eyes with Izuku as she gave a loving smile.

???: Hello little one. If you're seeing this then you have been told the truth about your up bringings, and you were given the carrier with you.

Izuku: 'Truth? What truth?'

???: But I believe introductions are in order. My name is Queen Aleena Hedgehog.

Izuku: She's a queen?

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