Hum[A]nity's Secret

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Pairing: Adam/Reader. 2B/9S

Prompt: Adam is willing to put his life at risk to uncover Humanity's biggest secret: Death. But are you willing to let him?

Warning(s): description of violence. description of blood. inaccurate description of lore. cringe. cringe. cringe.

Note(s): gender neutral!reader. human!reader. this imagine was a request and pulled from my other account. if it seems familiar to you, you know why now! (I had no idea how to end this)

The "Copied City". A place that merely existed a once upon a time, replicated by none other than Adam, himself. It was a place where knowledge was forged to be learned; to teach. It became a refuge for the two machine life-forms, the closest any machine has ever came to be human. And now, it was your home, too.

"But I don't understand." Your words were muffled with worry, trying your best to understand Adam's severe measures and motives. "Haven't you collected enough human data?" You questioned, trying your best not to look to the poor android laying on the pearlescent floor, partially immobilized.

Had you not satisfied him with your answers to his countless questions? Were you not enough? These were the kind of questions you asked yourself, your train of thought interrupted at the groaning of pain.

The Android twitched, a small pool of artificial blood pouring from his wounded body. It was a traumatic sight to see. Adam, to the best of his abilities, explained to you he wasn't truly in pain, that the blood wasn't real. But it was hard to believe when you heard him groan and moan, unable to pull himself off the ground.

Your heart grew heavy with guilt as you just stood there, watching as you did nothing to ease his discomfort, to convince Adam maybe this was unnecessary and that he should be satisfied with the information he has now. But even then, you weren't enough to coax him out of his ways.

Your sorrowful gaze didn't remain on the android any longer as you felt Adam's taloned glove tilt it away gently, your gaze now on the man you foolishly allowed to crawl into your heart with ease. "I do not expect you to understand my motives, my dear. All I ask of you is to trust me." He says ever-so-softly, a voice of silk that could easily get you to do anything and agree with anything.

It felt so wrong as you wordlessly agreed, nodding your head to him know even against your better judgement, you trusted him. You leaned into his touch, closing your eyes shut as the pit of your stomach churned with an ugly feeling.

And despite how terribly wrong this was, despite knowing what this could mean for Adam, you allowed yourself to be escorted out of the Copied City by Eve—tasked by his brother to keep you far away and safe. That itself, didn't last long.

❖ ❖ ❖

You could heart your heartbeat, could feel it pounding against your chest; hear it's abnormal beat in your ears. It anxiously kept count of the seconds as you took the elevator down, down, down.

Adam had anticipated the arrival of the android called 2B. He said she would come for her partner, and only then would he get the answers he was looking for. There was no doubt in your mind that they were fighting this very moment, knowing if she saw the state he was in it would send her into a spiral.

"Can this elevator go any slower?" You thought to yourself, foot tapping anxiously as you waited for the doors to slide open. As soon as they did, you broke out into a sprint, uncaring of the strain it had on your body as you ran through the Copied City.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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