Chapter 8

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James POV

Orion and I walk into the classroom, only about 5 guys were already there. There is a man who looks like he's in his late 30's to early 40's sitting at a noticeably big desk in the front of the classroom, not gonna lie hes hot as fuck. I don't let it show though. Again, no windows, which I find weird as fuck.

"Welcome", a voice with just the right amount of deepness welcomes. Holy shit dude...even his voice was fine as fuck.

"I will be your teacher for the year, my name is Mr. Wilson, you will address me as Sir or Master.", the man explains, his voice leaving no room for discussion on the topic of how to address him. But what the fuck? I can understand 'sir' but fucking 'master'?? He must be fucking delusional, the fuck typa school am I at right now?
"I understand that you are confused as of now, but I promise that once we have all the students gathered, I will start your lesson", he informs, his voice filled with authority.
"But it seems as though only a few people have decided to attend class, we will wait for a couple more minutes until I have to call backup", he says slowly.

Me and Orion side-eye each other, as if to say 'I kinda wanna go back to the dorm'. Mr. Wilson catches us looking at each other and smirks, he has a weird look in his dark eyes that I figure out what it is, earning a side-eye from the both of us.

We awkwardly stand there, which makes me notice how there are no desks in the room, what the fuck typa school is this? Around 15 minutes pass by and the room slowly starts to fill up with more boys, I'd say there was about 20-25 in the room.

"Alright class", Mr. Wilson starts, "I will be calling roll, if you hear your name being called, raise your hand and say 'here'.", his voice suddenly sounding dominant and filled with authority. Did it phase me? Kinda, but nothing I haven't heard before. Was I going to do as he says? Yes because people who fuck around while roll is being called are annoying. Like I'm just tryna get this shit over with dude.

Mr. Wilson starts calling roll, there were some cool ass names not gonna lie. After a couple of minutes or so, and a few kids who thought it'd be funny to act like idiots, my name was finally called.

"James Hernández?", I raise my hand like I was told, "here.", I say, somewhat quietly. A few heads turn my way, like they've been turning to most people who's names have been called. I hear a couple whispers but ignore them.

Only a couple of people hadn't attended this class, which was kinda weird considering we're all here because we're a bunch of troublemakers. Mr. Wilson just made a call to the front office and in the time span of 10 minutes, 2 boys were brought in, looking angry as fuck.

Idiots. The fuck did you think they were gonna do at this place? Because it's definitely not skip.

We finally get all that bullshit over with, and most of us were just standing there. Waiting for Mr. Wilson to say/do something.

"Alright class, let's begin", he says, crossing his arms and looking down at us, his muscles flexing as he does so. Holy shit, he's taller than Orion...he must be 6'4 at the very least.

Okay yall! It's been awhile and I rushed while making this chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless! Bye-bye for now! (o´▽'o)ノ

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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