Buildings Ole Noah Plans BLOG

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                                                                                      Chapter IV

Year Ole' Signing of Kings Peter King Obadiah Xerses              Send down all Ocean Chimneys

     We ave' had a lot of hardship in the years preceding these years of Ole' Noah Ocean News!

Newer Buildings are though going back up.  To weary ole eyes of the very Ancient - Dinsaurs

as in the ole' men of Joab this giant new Building Complex looks ole' anse as ole' as the

hills of Grandfathers now passed on.  The Buildings of new Ancient Dinasaur Cities are

now being Examined by Troy Builders in hard hats!  I mean our world 'tis filled with dinasaurs

again too in the outlying areas very close to our next Cities being built Cleopatra.  Though the

Buildings are going up under Ole' Noah Plans.  So it is a look a like of ole' Cities.  To some

this may not seem like progress.  Even to me it seems like no progress.  As in not a new

Modern World that we have never ever seen before.  Well...maybe ole' is good anse maybe

it is just as good as a new more modern world.  The Cities are now clouds of dust due to

the amazing amount of buildings BLOG going up all at once.  These Newish Cities now going

up are in Prague.  Prague is new I am told.  I myself can not remember if Prague is new as I

seem to remember a small Prague in ole' Worlds.  Ole' Worlds here means before the bombs

fell.  I mean I ave' never seen that much dust!  That many buildings BLOG are going up and

all at the same time!  Still I like this in a way as it puts pep in my step.  The bombs left

emtied out hearts full of fear.  The World now feels back anse back at last!  The corner

tea shops are opened once again anse serving out a cup of tea anse toaste or a crumpet. 

I like my ole' News too anse this City is once again Ole' News of King Joab anse his struggling

News Paper.  King Job did Ole' City Newspapers anse now his son King Joab has decided to

try his hand at making the News with a Pappy struggling News Paper.  Most folks though will

not take to a struggling News Paper on the Poste Business as they want the large News Front

on News.  These are the BLOGs  of King Methuselah News Stories.  Though King Methuselah

has now retired his News anse he is leasing out his ole' Press Buildings King Methuselah anse

Salem's Lot.  This 'tis aged Wood too.  This meaneth as ye' may not even live here in this area-

of Ole' Ivanhoe Shoes - this means aged ole' Wood of Noah Ships that put the large News Paper

Offices there.  These Ole' Buildings always anse still line the streets of Harlem.  Harlem 'tis

our largest News Paper Building.  Though far back in Teim Noah t'was the largest News Paper

Building.  So now the retirement of King Methueselah anse his work in the Tories as in the

World's Largest News Paper has come.  So the Newspaper that landed at my doorstop this

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