Semi: 2014

Daishou: ME TOO!

Semi: HA

Daishou: lemme just pass out real quick ⚰️

Semi: oh

Iizuna: I'm still shocked your with a celebrity Meian

Meian: idk what to tell you
Get used to it

Tendou: I'm so glad my best friends famous

Semi: haha yeah for sure
Love being famous

Oikawa: why does that sound sarcastic?
I'd love for people to constantly fawn over me

Atsumu: of course you would

Aran: your the same way Tsumu

Atsumu: he doesn't need to know that

Semi: yeah
It's great

Bokuto: uhhh

Meian: he's being a baby cause his wrist hurts

Semi: I've signed 12 autographs ok 😭
I've literally had to ask people to stop
How many people are even in this damn boat

Oikawa: a lot

Semi: ugh 😭

Meian: he loves his fans
Just ignore him

Semi: just cause I love them doesn't mean I love being around them 24/7 as they say "omg sign this please" "can I have a picture" "it's semi Eita" 30 times a day

Meian: well you can always text me when you need a break

Semi: and I thank you for that <3

Kuroo: why are yall kinda perfect?

Daishou: I want what they have

Kuroo: 😐
I didn't ask you

Daishou: shut up you fugly rat

Kuroo: says you, you underripe berry

Bokuto: shut yo single asses up!

Moniwa: oh to not be single

Iizuna: sing it sista

Futakuchi: damn
Wish I could say I understand
But I don't

Daishou: go fuck yourself

Futakuchi: 🤷

Oikawa: OH GUYS
Breakfast is about to start!
See yall down there

Bokuto: YES
I'm starving

Konoha: your always starving

Bokuto: I could always eat your ass

Kuroo: AYOO


Konoha; NO.

Bokuto: man
I can't have shit

Konoha: damn
Sucks for you
I'm gonna go eat breakfast



Everyone arrives to the diner around the same time and sit at tables close together. As they sit down to eat the group can hear a few located being taken from afar. Semi sighs as he picks up his menu, attempting to hide his face. Meian caresses his thigh under the table in support.

"You ok?" Meian whispers to his boyfriend when no one is looking.

"I just want to enjoy my vacation without constantly having pictures taken of me. Is that so much to ask?" Semi says in an annoyed hushed voice.

"I'm sorry. We can leave if you're uncomfortable." Meian whispers back.

"No it's fine." Semi says, going back to the menu in his hands. Mina does the same, still secretly caressing Semi's thigh.

Little to their knowledge, Oikawa overheard their conversation. He doesn't want to cause a scene but he doesn't want anyone to be uncomfortable during their trip. He excuses himself from the table, claiming to have to use the bathroom. When he notices no one is looking he sneaks out of the diner to try and find a worker that could take him to the cruise director. He's determined to make sure everyone enjoys this vacation.

A few minutes later Oikawa returns back to the diner, right before the group was about to order. Everyone ordered their breakfast and finally, the paparazzi stopped taking pictures and Smei was able to relax (the workers told them they had to stop 😉).

Their food came out and the diner erupted with sound, everyone having some sort of conversation. Terushima, Noya, and Bokuto were practically yelling about the new movies they've seen. Kita and Ushijima were talking about Kita's farm business, and Kuroo and Daishou were arguing, per usual.

After breakfast everyone went back to their rooms to change into their swimsuits. The pools and water slides opened up today, along with a bunch of other cruise activities.


Summer of '17حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن