Chapter 1

21 1 2

[A week before summer]
Captains groupchat

Terushima: I'm telling you
This man is sexy

Daishou: I refuse to believe anything that comes from your brain

Terushima: Uhmm rude

Oikawa: teru
No offense
But all your other hookups have been...

Terushima: double rude!
Yall he's hot asf this time ok

Daichi: can we please stop talking about this

Kuroo: aww~
Little Daichi uncomfortable 🥺

Daichi: Kay why ees

Kuroo: LE GASP
How dare you Dai
Do yall see this

Kita: Daichi
How scandalous of you

Daichi: I'm leaving

Oikawa: HEYO

Moniwa: morning Oikawa <3

Big news!

Meian: god why am I here
I could give less then 0 fucks

Bokuto: MEIAN!!
Don't say that!
You are now a valued captain cause your MY captain

Meian: I really wish I wasn't
Besides, isn't this your highschool captain chat
I wasn't even in highschool then 😭

Ushijima: I mean Bokuto insisted you were added since you are a captain

Meian: y'all aren't even captains anymore-

Kuroo: shhhh!
That's beside the point
Your our friend now

Moniwa: it's pointless to argue
I tried this back in my 3rd year of highschool
It's best to just save your energy for your sanity

Meian: great

Oikawa: guys
Back to me please
Big news remember

Daishou: couldn't really care that much

Terushima: I care!
What's this big news?

Oikawa; thank you T e r u s h i m a

Terushima: hehehe

Oikawa: so-

Iizuna: man just tell us already damn

Oikawa: ok jeez
Yall know how I'm like rich or whatever

Daishou: stfu

Futakuchi: literally no one asked

Oikawa: ok.
I guess you two aren't invited then

Kuroo: wait to what?

Oikawa: I thought it be a fun idea to go on a 10 day cruise with yall over the summer
You can even invite your partners!

Summer of '17Where stories live. Discover now