12: Unexpected Hangout

Start from the beginning

Elliot lifts his head towards the sky. "Yeah. I can't entirely blame them for being afraid. I probably would be too, if I was in their position. But I just wish... they wouldn't hate me because of it. It just hurts to see the way they glare at me, like I've done something wrong. Like I'm some monster who doesn't know how to control myself."

You're not sure what to say to that, because you can only imagine how painful it must be to constantly be perceived in such a negative light.

To some extent, it's good to be cautious. There are assholes like Felix out there, after all. But then again, there are assholes like Johnny too, and he's a human. He doesn't possess otherworldly strength or vitality, and yet, he's easily succeeded in turning your life into a goddamn fucking nightmare.

There are plenty of dangers in this world, and encountering a vampire certainly isn't the worst of them. You just wish more people would hurry up and realize that.

Anyways, you were hoping to steer clear of depressing topics, but it looks like you've gone right back to square one.

"It suits you," you say, smiling in an attempt to lift the mood. "Working at a flower shop, I mean. And I can imagine you being really good at flower arrangements. You've always struck me as being really patient and detail-oriented."

Elliot shyly scratches his cheek. "Y-You think so? I do like flowers. I've always thought they're really pretty. I'm not sure exactly how good I am at making arrangements, but I definitely enjoy the process. And even though I'm never interacting with the customers, I like to think that the flowers they take home make them happy. It's a bit trivial, but it makes me feel like I've actually accomplished something."

"I'm sure they all love whatever you make," you encourage. "Tell me the name of your shop. I might stop by at some point and pick something out for my apartment."

"Th-There's no need for you to go out of your way. But if you want... I can pick something out for you and drop it off at some point?"

He glances at you hopefully, and his expression is so cute that you can't help but giggle.

"Sure," you beam. "You're the expert. Take your time coming up with whatever you think would look best. I'll be eagerly awaiting the finished product."

Elliot blushes yet again, but he's unable to hide the wobbly smile that keeps pulling at the corners of his lips. Working at a flower shop really does suit him. He's so gentle, after all. His impressive display against Johnny was a stark reminder that he's much stronger than the average person, but he doesn't seek to intimidate others with his strength or scare them into submission. He's proof that just because someone has the ability to cause harm doesn't mean that they actually will.

While you walk, Elliot entertains you with various flower facts. You can tell that he's passionate about the subject because he gets especially chatty, and his eyes practically sparkle the whole time he talks. You're perfectly happy to smile and listen attentively. It's nice to see him ramble on so excitedly, plus, you also get to learn a few things while you're at it.

Before you realize it, you've already made it home. Time really does pass faster when you're with a friend.

"Thanks again for walking me all the way home," you say. "I enjoyed the company."

"I did too," Elliot smiles. "I work pretty early in the day, so I'm usually free this time of night. Which is nice, because I prefer to be out when it's not sunny anyways. Our schedules seem to align too."

He reflects on his last words for a few moments, then proceeds to blush profusely.

"I-I didn't mean it in a weird way!" he insists. "It's not like I expect you to meet up with me all the time or anything! It's just, um... if you ever feel like walking home together, or maybe just stopping for another drink sometime... odds are, I'll probably be free. That's all."

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