I quickly shove the clothes in his drawer not caring. I just want to get Morgan out of here as quick as i can. I scope her up and run out of there and running into my room.

"My toy!!" Morgan lets out as i place her in the small play pen i have in my room.

"Where is it did it fall?" I look around to see if she may have dropped it.

"Puppy's woom" oh yeah... about that nick name. One time me and Morgan came into our floor to Y/n as a normal wolf. Shedding season or whatever. Morgan screamed in excitement seeing a "puppy". Saying how she didn't know we had one and why her dad hid it from her. She has been calling y/n that ever since.

I run back into his room and search for the toy. But where the hell was it. I looked on the bed and the floor. The desks and in his clothes but nothing. I lower myself on the ground and reach under his bed. I pull out a box, it's a small light blue box. I know it's rude for me to look at things that aren't mine. But something is sticking out of the lid. I open up and cover my mouth in shock. A smile creeps onto my face seeing the teddy and blanket. An envelope with pictures in them.

I totally forget what i was looking for and just continued to look at the picture. Until i hear his cough and it makes me jump. Now i notice the shower has turned off. I push back the box under the bed. And look under the bed and i see Morgan's toy. I reach for it but it's out of reach. I cast my magic and pull it towards me. I grab it and as soon as i was getting ready to get up.

"What are you doing?" I jump back and hit my head on his bed. I wince in pain and look up and good lord take me now. There was only a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair wet and water dripping from it. His muscles were... "Wanda you okay?"

"Huh? Um yeah sorry" I quickly stand up but i stumble back. Gosh my legs feel weak because its whole greek god standing in front of me. "I just came for Morgan's toy. She left it in here-"

"She was in my room?" Oh god.

"NO! I mean yes but don't worry nothing has been damaged everything is in order." I swing my hands around to try to calm him. And show around that his room is in-fact just how it always is. But his eyes follow my right hand.

"Morgan..." he gulps and continues to stare at my hand. "She lost a ball?" I look down and in matter of fact it's a yellow tennis ball. What? I swore i got hold of her little lamb.

"Oh-no this wasn't" im about to let go of the ball and am shoved back by him. He hold onto my wrist with the ball.

"What ever you do don't let go of the ball" I try to move back and his head snaps back to the ball. I move my hand and his head follows it. Oh? Oh!!

I move my hand behind me and his body almost tumbles me over to the ground. I place my had out to stop him and that when i feel his skin.

"WANNN!!" we both look at his door. Right Morgan. I quickly reach down and actually grab the little lamb and run out the room. I hear Y/n call my name but i don't go back.

Y/n's POV:

Wanda found my ball. She found the ball that was keeping my anxiety away and that i used to let that dog in me come out. I been locked in my room the rest of the afternoon.

There is a knock on my door and Wanda's voice muffled behind the door. I nervously walk and open the door. As i open it its her and Morgan. She has her bag and Morgan is dressed in her coat.

"Um just thought you wanted to say by to"

"Bye puppy" Morgan waves and i nearly cry. No Y/n you need to stay together. I wave bye to her and suddenly I hear Tony.

"Wanna have a race Morgan?" She wiggles in Wanda arms excitedly. I quickly morph in my wolf form. Much less scarier than my werewolf form. As Wanda puts Morgan down I begin to run but im not moving forward. I look down and notice the red hues around me. Morgan runs past me giggling.

Since in this form I can't talk so i just let out a bark. I look back and see Morgan entering the kitchen, she looks back and suddenly i hear a bounce. My eyes widen seeing the ball fall behind Morgan. I let out more barks so Wanda can let me go. She does and i run after the ball but Morgan picks it up running towards her dad.

"Y/N!!" Wanda yells behind me but it's too late and slide on the floor. Bumping right into Tony, Morgan screams fill the air.

"Oh- i didn't know we took care dogs as well" He look up at Wanda who is nervously twisting her rings. Right. Tony. Doesn't know about this form.

"No its-" i cut her off with a bark.

"It's puppy!!"


"Stop it's not funny and stop touching my ears" i smack Wanda's hand out of my head. I forget the after effects of my morphs. Still learning how to fully morph. So when Tony left i quickly morphed back freaking out. While morphing back my tail and ears stayed. Wanda is currently rubbing my head.

"You look cute" i feel myself getting red and hot. I stand up and Wanda raises the ball in the air. She won't stop teasing me with the ball now. I feel my ear twitch and urge to jump on her to get the ball. "Sit" and i do...

Wanda suddenly walks over and stands between my legs. We stare at eachother what feels like hours. Suddenly she leans in hesitantly and my heartbeat is faster now. I lean in anyways and cup her face. It felt like fireworks exploded as soon as our lips met. God how it felt to kiss her, i been trying so hard to get this feeling away. But she was way too cute and oh how i wanted her to be the mother of my children. See her enjoy time with Morgan and teach her new things made me adore her more. She giggles into the kiss and suddenly i hear thumping.

"Someone's happy for once" i turn around and see my tail wagging. I stand up and run away because this way to embarrassing. Wanda's laughter echoes in the kitchen. Lets say i locked my myself in my room the rest of the night.

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