First Time (G.F) Pt.2

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REQUEST BY: @HarrperandPepper

Gerri's POV:

I had told Lilly everything about me and Y/n. She shared how her college experience was going and it made me realize that I was starting college too. Which sucks because now I will have less time to hang out with Y/n. We been going out less lately too since we both were working.

"Mom i'm heading to y/n's apartment!" I didn't even wait for her response and walked out. Getting on my bike and heading towards the apartment. Y/n had told me he has an extra key beside the plant so i could enter. Walking in, it was quiet. Maybe he was still at work, i called out for him but there was no response. I suddenly felt dizzy, walking over to the fridge getting out some water.


Y/n's POV:

Coming home from a long day from work. Walked in my room i went straight to my closet. Getting some comfy clothes and hoping in the shower. As i walked out I noticed someone in my bed. Knowing full well who had access to my apartment. Gerri. I crawled in bed noticing her pale face. I began kissing her face.

"Gerri?" She began to stir awake. "What are you doing here?" She sat up rubbing her eyes.

"Y/n" her raspy voice just waking up. Damn she must of been sleeping good. She crawls onto my lap, her arms wrap around my neck and she lays her head on my shoulder. I begin rubbing her back and giggle at how childish she is acting. "I wanna stay here forever" she says making me smile.

"I wish you could too" then it hits me she told me she starts college soon. "Your leaving tomorrow aren't you" I feel her nod, my hold tightens just enjoying the moment. She leans back and smiles.

"Ima miss you but the good thing is that I will be able to visit you from time to time" I lean in and kiss her and it turns to a whole make out session. She beginning to giggle into the kiss which causes me to laugh at her goofiness. "Can we cuddle?"

"Yup what ever you want"


4 weeks later...

Gerri's POV:

"My sister was like this when she found out she was pregnant" my roommate told me, i just covered myself with my pillow. I can't be pregnant. No. I felt something hit my leg and i looked up.

"What is this?" She laughs at me.

"A pregnancy test silly. Go pee on it and then in a few minutes we will get the results." I groaned, im just probably getting sick. I can't be possibly pregnant. "Cmon Gerri and if its not positive than you are going to the doctor"

I whined walking into the bathroom. Peeing on this stick was so weird. Everything about this is weird. I can't eat my favorite snack anymore without gagging. I feel sick in the mornings, i feel like shit honestly. I lean on the test sighing how are these sticks gonna tell me im pregnant. After a couple a minutes my roommate knocks on bathroom door.

"Gerri you okay in there" I reach back to unlock the door and look back down that the stick. Seeing some red lines, i grab the box's reading it.

"Sarah what does the two red lines mean"

"OH MY GOD GERRI" "WHAT!" Im scared why is she screaming at.

"Oh my beautiful Gerri you're pregnant"

"No, im not your joking" I shake my head.

"Gerri have you had your period yet?" I widened my eyes. I leave the bathroom getting my phone and purse. "Where you going? Gerri?" I get the pregnancy test and leave the dorm. Im pregnant. My eyes began to sting, tears falling town my cheek. Im scared what will my mom say. What will Y/n say of do. Would he break up with me?

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