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Chapter 2

Chilling air spread through the woods, the moon light was dim in the sky, there was no wind. All the creaking noise, chipping sounds, and the owls suddenly stoped as if they know we were here. Vampires don't necessary hunt as a team, but we do sometime hunt together. One of the ladies in the group has a gift of seeing heartbeats, she said she can see them shows up as a little glowy red beating light even through walls when she uses her power. Everyone eyes were fix on her now, waiting for a signal, she was looking for a big enough heartbeat to feed the whole coven. Finally, she pointed, deeper into the woods, then she put up four fingers. Its either stags, bears, mountain lions, moose, or anything as big but hopefully nothing too difficult to handle.

We walked closer to the mark without making any sound, the still air was giving us such an advantage since they would not be able to smell us coming. And I finally saw them, in the middle of a small opening meadow between great oak trees, four white Lumicrapora, a creature that is as big as a horse but gentle. They have long white fur that looks like its glowing in the dark and goat like features with four eyes and two ears, long skinny tail like lion. They are fast and agile despite their big bones, this will have to be quick, we will have to seal them before they even know that we're here.

Ciaran eyes glowed, fangs protruded out even more, everyone was waiting for the prince first move. He rushed out and runt toward the biggest Lumicrapora in the group, focusing on their thick white long neck, all of us followed holding on each of their neck. The white creature's eyes wide open, they started prancing. To be able to handle the big creature, we needed two per each of them, wrapping our arms holding them tight. The prince sank his teeth in their broad neck causing dark red blood dropping out, its screeched, before he snaps its neck! And three more snaping sounds followed one right after the other. All their lifeless body fell on to the ground, hunting is always easy when we do everything right, it's always easy when Ciaran's there to lead. Liked it weighs nothing we carry them back towards our palace, to share.

We laid them down on the same big, long wooden table that we had meeting on yesterday, the whole coven gathered. The queen gracefully walked in toward her lovely prince, she cupped his face with a sweet smile. She looked very run down compared to how she used to be, at least from what I saw in her portrait.

"My little darkling" called his mother to the young prince.

"Mother.." he smiled softly, and took her over to the big Lumicrapora, she sank in her teeth through that soft white fur neck, she took her time gulping down the sweet blood. Not long and she was done, her skin freshen up a bit and her eyes shined. Everyone started to look for a spot for themselves, while her majesty walked back to her room. She's one of the few lefts who saw our prospered time, she's been through a lot, she has lived for so long. She had lost all sons and daughters during the war, her husband the king a while after. Ciaran was born after the end of the reign, he is everything for her now.

"Marcella, Harris, Seth, and Ally you guys come shared the big one" Ciaran directed to four of us to share the big Lumicrapora with him as we were hand-picked team to go for a search for this Regalia. One of these big creatures is equivariant to almost five to six adult's human, one human adult it will give us strength, and will last us for a few weeks.

The last time we sent a squad out for a mission, just for scouting, none came back. Last time I was on a mission myself was when we naively tried to take over a wolf town, nearly half of the team was killed, and we needed to go into deeper hiding. Hopes spurring across the coven, now that Regalia came up as the main focus. Even I felt hopeful, the prince is very determined, and I do trust him, without him we would probably get wiped out by now.

After the feast everyone's gathered around the common room family next to family looking at the massive fireplace, few vampiress sing subdued with an ancient song. It's a serene song you can even compare to an elvish songs, they are the best at this, but ours has a hint of sinister feel add into it. We know we are bad because we need to kill to survive, yet we owned the fact. The cracking sound of the firewood mixed well together with the dawdling melody put everyone into a deep thought. Maybe we deserved this, but no.. no one deserved to be hunted till the end of the earth.

Fangs Beneath the Shadow : Chronicle of RegaliaWhere stories live. Discover now