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ೃ⁀➷ flowers that symbolize new begginings, hope and good luck. many of this symbolism comes from the fact that daffodils emerge each spring to lighten up landscapes with their cheerful, yellow, white and orange colors.


heliodoro academy. a public academy located in the shaftlands, one that doesn't seem to hold a high standard such as other prestigious academies like night raven college or royal sword academy. this makes it be under the radar most of the times, with the scores being rather average. the students who we have interviewed haven't described it as the worst choice, but it is also not the best one that you can go if what you wish to do is unlock your full potential.

because of the small building it is situated in, the student body and teachers aren't many, leading to its almost forgotten existence. of course, after the event that happened, it has been the center of many articles.

"oh! oh! and then boom! it exploded! everyone panicked for some reason!"

an... accident it seems, with a student that wasn't able to control magic properly, and teachers not being able to control it either. a fire that burned a big part of the building, leading to severe and light wounds for many students and even teachers, and the close of the academy.

"huh? you're asking me how i managed to be more competent than the teachers? well that is simply because they are not competent at all... no, i am not explaning more, go away..."

but surprisingly enough, some students made themself noticed in quite a good light. using their magic to stop what the professors couldn't prevent. because said students had a incredible ability with magic, one that would have easily allowed them to enter the prestigious academies mentioned before. but either because of their gender, or maybe because of other reasons, they had to (or chose to) stay in heliodoro.

"fufufu... no good player reveals all their cards inmediately, so why should i?~"

but now that they were once more in the spotlight, of course the public was expecting; no, demanding for their potential to be used correctly. and because he is so kind, the first one to reply quickly to the demand was dire crowley.

"n-night raven college? i- i can't do it! not at all! i-i shouldn't even be there! a-and i already grew accustomed to heliodoro's rules, a-and it's not like it's a problem to learn new rules, p-please don't get that wrong, but it is also more complicated and i don't wanna make anyone struggle because of my own incompetence and-"

so welcome, new students. to night raven college. please be prepared to be center of attention.

...if we don't count the magicless prefect and strange grey cat that joined at the same time you did, of course. because thanks to them, maybe you won't be the one more out of place here.

"but didn't grim said he wasn't a cat?"


in which... a good number of students stuck in a mediocre academy manage to move up to obtain at least a year of proper education, only to be trapped into even more problems than before...

daffodil ;; a twst ocxcanon applyfic
[ written by naethings ]

✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼

NAE's dedications...

cheriiwe -GHOSTIVITIES- SVNDVST Pastelle_Pascalia aly_sha- yozora-hoshi lavendermochaa sxndeew Ribzyz xingqiu-lxver -gh0stly_ P4RIZISTH3CITYOFL4V3 shanghenslvr -Rem3mber- -scftpeachxs Toast-Tag

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a/n ;; oh wow!! i somehow gained motivation for this, and ended up the past school your average developing country school experience. no, i won't change it. its more funny for me this way. uhm, i'll try to get the next chapter soon? i do have school tomorrow and a test so wish me luck for that!!! also, i will reserve a lot of characters for my ocs so if i end up reserving ur fav character please don't get mad at me TT

 uhm, i'll try to get the next chapter soon? i do have school tomorrow and a test so wish me luck for that!!! also, i will reserve a lot of characters for my ocs so if i end up reserving ur fav character please don't get mad at me TT

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next chapter unlocked at 10+ votes...

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