Chapter 1

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Bokuto: OMG REALLY!!
Wait what's the dates cause I'm kinda busy

Meian: summer training ^

Oikawa: well I didn't buy the tickets yet in case yall couldn't make it
Also do we can plan the dates

Daishou: wait hold up
Your buying the tickets for all of us
We don't need to contribute whatsoever

Oikawa: nope!
I'm just so kind

Moniwa: I'm free pretty much all summer so I'm down

Oikawa: alright lemme put you down on the list
Got any partners you wanna bring

Moniwa: I'm single bitch

Oikawa: oh-
Well it can be a friend too

Moniwa: if Futakuchi goes he'll bring aone so that's good for me

Futakuchi: what if I don't go

Moniwa: why wouldn't you go?
I know your free

Futakuchi: yeah you right

Oikawa: adding you three to the list then!

Kuroo: what are the dates you all can do?
I might have to request PTO for a few days so I should really call in advance

Daichi: yeah me too

Terushima: same

Kita: I still can't believe your a hairdresser
I totally thought you'd be a stripper or something

Terushima: naaah that's just my side hussle

Daishou: excuse me 😀

Terushima: BESIDES
I love being a hairdresser
I get to gossip all day and make people look hot

Iizuna: sounds heavenly
I'm free most of July

Bokuto: we're only free the beginning of July because summer training starts near the middle

Meian: July 18th to be exact

Ushijima: ours does too

Terushima: requesting PTO in July is actually quite easy for me because that's our slow month typically

Daichi: I'm free July 3-10 but I can request up to 5 days of PTO

Kuroo: I'm free the 2nd to the 12th but I can also request PTO up to 4 days

Oikawa: ok then
How does July 3rd to the 13th sound?

Daishou: good to me

Kita: me too

Iizuna: sounds like a plan

Kuroo: I'll request PTO right now

Daichi: same

Terushima: yeah me too

Bokuto: YIPPIE

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