Baffled and Babied

Start from the beginning


"Have you hurt someone close to you? And I mean REALLY hurt?" asked the fairy.

"No, I don't think so... gosh, I hope not!"

"Have you ever teased others?"

"Never! I would never in my life in any way ever possibly consider the possibility of doing that.

—well, okay I teased my friends a little bit, they're all guys and they came here today— I called them princesses, it was pretty funny," Emma snorts.

"Hmm... it seems to me that YOU belong in some place veeery special. Anyone who teases others at Pammie's Pretty and Pink Petticoat Lane may be sentenced to time out!"

Time out!? What does she think I am, five? Is this girl even following her script?

"There is no script here, ma'am. I told you, I am the fairy of all the fairies."

"How the HELL did you read my mind?!" Emma asks, freaking out.

"Oh such vulgar language, I am quite disappointed in you, Emily. It seems to me you may need to stay here for the moment... with Mrs. Green."

The fairy pulls out her wand and aims it at Emm. And just like that, Emma vanishes, and a trail of sparkles takes her place.

 And just like that, Emma vanishes, and a trail of sparkles takes her place

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Emma (Baby Emma)


Emma looks around her to see a very babyish room, filled with stacks of diapers, stuffed animals and dolls, and rows of cribs.

She's wearing a white puffy diaper, a very snug and girly top, and a pink pacifier in her mouth. She tries spitting the binky out but it seems to be stuck.

"Whm mmm mm?"
(Where am I?!")

A woman wearing a similar fairy outfit from the woman before walks close to her.

"Why hello there, you little stinker! I'm Mrs. Green, and I'll be your teacher and caretaker as of today until you learn to be a good baby girl. I heard from the head fairy that you seem to be veeery naughty, so we will have to change that, okay?"


"My, what a temper! We'll have to change that too!"


"Now let's try and have a good day okay? Otherwise I won't spare any humility in your next outfit....

The last girl who misbehaved while at Pammie's Pretty and Pink Petticoat Lane last year was— well actually, she's right over there, say hi, Tam Tam!"

The last girl who misbehaved while at Pammie's Pretty and Pink Petticoat Lane last year was— well actually, she's right over there, say hi, Tam Tam!"

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Tam Tam

Emma's cheeks grow red as Mrs. Green lifts her up and plops her inside the crib next to Tam Tam.

She's been here since last year..?

"You may have 30 minutes of chitter chatter with Tammy, but once that time is up I expect that pacifier to be back in your mouth, missy!"

Emma takes her pacifier out.

"Today is a big day after-all! At 10:00 we'll have our lessons on dress-code, 10:30 will be play time, 11:00 will be lunch time, 11:30 you will be dressed up in cute lil baby outfits, and at 12:00 is the big beautiful parade where you each will be displayed in our princess-themed strollers, spreading joy to the park guests around you!"

"People will see me in a diaper?!"

"Of course, and you'll look absolutely adorable, dear! Now that reminds me, we'll need you to wear some frilly shorts over your pampie to add to the theme. Which do you like best?"

 Which do you like best?"

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(My oh my, Emma has found herself in quite the predicament

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(My oh my, Emma has found herself in quite the predicament.

Can Emma keep her face from becoming redder than the sun?— probably not. Will she forever be trapped in the nursery with Tam Tam? What other embarrassing outcomes could she run into?

It seems we'll have to wait for now, but let's switch over to Darcy, who might have to put his acting chops to his full, girly potential... in Chapter 6: Filling In For the Princess!

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