The Confines Of This Large Home

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5 Years Later

You hadn't forgiven your father since he tore down the tree all those years ago, even though you didn't know he wasn't the one at fault, he apologized by making it so John had to wait until he was dead to even breathe in your direction, the wedding was put to an abrupt halt until then. The deal wasn't voide so long as John could follow Every move Mr. Y/l/n and learn the ins and the outs of running things once the man is gone.

You didn't think you could resent your father any more than before that day you ran away but having to live in what felt like solitary confinement was hell. You forgot about Rebecca, about Bucky, as you passed your day's in your room, with the black fluffy cat, Jon had gifted you. You'd taken a liking to the animal after it hissed and scratched at him till he put it on the floor of your room. The knock that came every morning was your father. "Break feast is ready." He would inform you personally, having supposedly no other reason to talk to you. Silence always followed.

Your jaw clenched, you looked at your cat. "They're horrible." Acting as though the cat was interested in anything going on in your life, it was happy it got food and baths, a place to sleep, you had all of that but the fear of having the same fate as a house cat scared you,being confined in a house until you died.

That was until everything and Person stopped, standing still, except for you, you had gone to the kitchen around noon to get a snack, that's when the knock came unexpectedly unplanned, nothing was unexpected or unplanned in this house. The doors were opened and you could hear the creek of the grand french doors echo through the large home. You made yourself scarce looking around a corner to get a glimpse of the unplanned visitor, you only saw his brown hair, you shook your head, he was dead, and Rebecca was in the system or dead by now as well, still you were curious so you listened by the door.

Five years ago if you had told Bucky where he is now he would have laughed in your face and called you a liar. He wasn't one of them, he could never be one of them, a leading mafia boss who's name caused people to turn in fear, an orphan with a sister and no money was now one of the richest people in the country, and he was going to save Y/n a life of misery he hoped it hadn't been to late that Y/n and John weren't married yet even five years later.

That day Peter had taken him to an ill falling man, Tony Stark, who had been keeping his eye out for someone new, his wife and daughter owed nothing to him or his business, he wouldn't force either of them to take over but what he didn't mind was seeing someone with the parental James had and forcing him to take the position, Tony threatened Rebecca say that Bucky wouldn't taking up being heir he'd be forced to murder the girl, Bucky agreed, as long as she could live with him, soon after Tony died. Leaving Bucky and His wife and daughter enough money for a lifetime, Bucky's only cost was he had to continue for him.

Showing up to the Y/l/n Resident gate the blocked the world out wouldn't block him out he, spoke to the security, simply saying he had a meeting in replace of Mr. Stark with Mr. Y/l/n, no one knew Tony died, no one knew the Barnes Mafia was once the Stark Mafia, so sitting in the large SUV in the passenger seat anxiety grew in the bottom of his stomach, this was his only chance, Steve his right hand sitting next to him with a hard furrow knitting his brow at his boss, they'd known eachother years before, but this wasn't Bucky he wasn't nervous not even when getting caught being dumb.

Peter in the back seat knew exactly was going through the boss's mind, he knew the history, he was following Mr. Barnes and Y/n Y/l/n that day five years ago. He was wearing a knowing smirk, still looking boyish compared to the three other men in the car. "I'm going alone." Bucky announced to the car, Peter's smirk fell.

"They'll kill you." Sam said from beside Peter.

Bucky shook his head. "They won't." He spoke as though he was sure, he wasn't, opening the door he slammed it behind.

"So do we listen or get out?" Peter asked if he'd done this a while but still Bucky felt almost completely new to him as a person.

"Come on, we can't just let our boss walk into a gunfight with a knife." Steve opened his door, not even contemplating ignoring what was practically an order they got up to the doorstep as the door opened. Bucky huffed in annoyance, at the men, he made his way into the home just as elegant as he'd assumed the house would be, but with most homes like this you could barely tell that this home held a family at one point, there was no sign that you still lived in the house and that's what he feared.

The office door opened and just as he was about through the threshold he felt eyes on him not the obvious house staff that looked at him, no these were eyes he couldn't see. As he walked in he saw a portrait behind the large deep red wooden desk, a child version of you, a younger version of the man sitting across from him and a woman he assumed was your mother, standing with serious gazes. "Mr. Barnes, Where is Mr. Stark?" Mr. Y/l/n spoke.

"He couldn't make it." Was all he said then he spoke up with authority. "I'm not here to make small talk or answer questions at the moment."

"Then why are you here?" This wole meeting confused the older man he knew of the young up and coming Barnes, he knew he was powerful, he didn't know that he was supposed to be dead at his own hand.

"I'm here to ask you about your daughter's hand in marriage." It was no wonder that someone would come around asking about her; he'd never announced the engagement, Bucky saw something fill the fathers eyes.

"Of course. I'm delighted to meet you." The Grimm demeanor changed to something very relieved and happy filled. "This is John, he's like my right hand, he's delighted too." Your father lied. John knew him and he looked just like Bucky, the man who truly made

"Yes absolutely delighted, so what about you Bu-"
"James." He held out his hand to Mr. Y/l/n, while correcting John.

"Whatever. You cannot just parade in here uninvited and expect to-"

Mr. Y/l/n looked at him as if to say shut up. "Mr. Barnes, what are you wanting to discuss in exchange for my daughter?" He just knew anything was better than John hopping that this was an exceptional offer, over the past senators.

The door opened. "How dare you. All of you. Standing around deciding my future? I am not a prize to be won." Bucky's eyes fell on her, she was basically the same nothing had changed for her. "You've done this for years, how far away do you?" Her eyes fell onto her father. "Want to chase me away?" Her hair swings as she turns around.

The man huffed the grimm face returning, Bucky could see the pain that the strain caused the man. "Give her some time, a lot has happened in the past few years."

John steps forward. " I think it's time to say good-bye to B-James." He huffs making this almost mistake purposefully.

"He should stay, get used to my daughter before we make anything official." Mr. Y/l/n said, now he had the power and John wasn't going to be able to do anything about it, John knew Mr. Y/l/n hated him, he was just gonna have to deal with it for now. "He and his men can stay in our guest rooms."

This went better than he could have imagined, he could stay there all the while he works on getting you out via marriage he knew that was the part Y/n would hate him for, he'd made arrangements for this, he knew Mr. Y/l/n would want anyone getting close to his daughter in the confines of this large home.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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