THE LOVEABLE FOODIE (im not gonna hate on owen hes epic)

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He's straight but supports bc of his buddy Noah

He was with kitty trying to get Noah and Emma together but soon learned he really only wanted to be friends

He is judgemental about his food but not picky


Not self conscious and nobody has the guts to tell him he's obese

Loves animals nearly as much as DJ and cried when he figured out he was eating chicken, cows, pigs, ect.

Tried to work at a KFC but ate the food(Owen ate my food)

Tries to stay out of politics and controversial stuff like who should've one td, racism, and the government

He doesn't listen to any music because he's too focused on being a good friend and tasting food.


Likes old cowboy movies or watching k-dramas with his bffs

Often has sleepovers because he doesn't like to be alone

Watches food theory on a daily

Noah made him watch the titanic and he sobbed

The bestest of friends, can trust with anything(except your food)

Sleeps with alot of stuffed animals and has to wish every one goodnight or he thinks they'll get sad

Watches Disney movies, his favourite movie is princess and the frog or Cinderella, he swears the original movies are the best ones

He tried to learn Spanish once, never again.

Ran a lemonade stand when he was 6 and made 19 bucks by convincing people it was freshly squeezed bit eventually felt so bad he went back to some people and gave them their money back.

He doesn't like the thought of lying very much, he thinks it's just plain rude and breaks people.

Has gotten banned from many all you can eat buffets because he ate far to much


random HC for yous to steallllTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang