Once Upon a Time

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Once Upon a Time in a lavish and beautiful kingdom lived a beloved king and queen. The king was patiently waiting in the hallway while his wife was with the doctors giving birth to their firstborn child. A cry soon quiets the castle and the king runs in seeing his queen holding a beautiful baby boy. The king was overjoyed having a son and word spread across the kingdom of the prince's arrival. Another kingdom soon heard if the news a month later and the king of that kingdom hoped to have a son as well. Yet unfortunately for him his queen gave birth to a daughter. The queen feared the kings rage and for good reason too. For he was cruel and selfish. He ordered the little girl be killed and fed to the pigs. Yet before the guards can full fill the ungodly deed the queen and the new born princess vanished. In another kingdom not to far from the first kingdom another princess was born and brought joy to the king for he already wished to bring his daughter and the new prince closer to bring the two kingdoms together. The prince's father wanted that too but he wanted to find a different way to do so because he wanted his son to find love in his own time. Much to the other king's disappointment he agreed but hopes deep down the prince falls in love with his daughter.
It didn't take long for the two kingdoms to hear of what the cruel king had done and that was when the kingdoms united and took down the cruel king freeing the people of his cruel power. Yet they soon discovered the queen and new princess went missing then went to find them. Unfortunately they did found the queen dead in the forest near a beautiful lake. Her body showed signs that she had died from an infection from not letting her body heal after giving birth. As for the little princess she was no where to be seen. They feared the child was in the lake and drowned but the prince's father found a journal in the dead queens satchel. He flip through the pages seeing all the torture the queen went through under the cruel kings hand and soon came to the end where she said her daughter was now safe and she can died in peace knowing her daughter was going to be ok. The two kings tried to find where she left the child but almost a year later they given up.

The two kings return to their kingdoms to start raising their children.

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