Chapter 5: Two Simple Words and Glossary

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You will need to learn two simple Parseltongue words for your first homework assignment: the words for "yes" and "no". They are as follows:
Yes - Sa
​No - Ʃ​e (using a capital "esh"); ʃe (using a lowercase "esh"). [Plosive: A speech sound produced by complete closure of the oral passage and subsequent release accompanied by a burst of air, as in the sound (p) in pit or (d) in dog]
[Fricatives: A consonant, such as f or s in English, produced by the forcing of breath through a constricted passage.]
[ ʃ: Esh. Ʃ (uppercase), ʃ (lowecase). A type of consonantal sound used in some spoken languages. Sh would be its closest approximation in English, and you're welcome to use sh when writing your homework if it'll be easier for you.]
[Affricates: Consonants that begin as plosives but release as a fricative rather than into a following vowel]
[Lateral Consonant: "L"-like consonants pronounced with an occlusion made somewhere along the axis of the tongue, while air from the lungs escapes at one side or both sides of the tongue.]
[Alveolar Trill: A consonantal sound more commonly referred to as the rolling r. In Parseltongue it is muted and sounds more like the approximant.. ]
[Alveolar Nasal: A consonantal sound produced by obstructing airflow in the vocal tract, articulated with the tip or blade of the tongue against the roof of the mouth, and voiced while allowing air to escape through the nose. Typically known as the 'n' sound.]
[Diphthong: Two adjacent vowel sounds occurring within the same syllable.]
[Colloquialisms: Expressions used in familiar conversation rather than formal speech or writing. Informal speech. Slang or vernacular.]
[Demonstrative Pronoun: Distinguishes one subject from another. Examples: This, that.]
[Subject: The subject of a sentence is the main idea of the sentence. Who or what it is the sentence is referring to.]
[Adjective: A word modifying a noun or a pronoun. Color, shape, size, or quantity, for example.]
[Object: The part of the sentence involved in the subject's performance of the verb. For example: 'She read the book.' In this sentence, book is the object. It is what she (The subject) has read (verb)]
[Verb: Part of speech that conveys action or a state of being. To be, bring, read, run, exist, stand, etc.]
[Adverb: A word that modifies a word that is not a noun. It typically describes how, when, or where. Example: Quickly, beautifully, often.]
[Gloss: The transcription of one language using the written form of another language. The glosses we care about for this class involve using English words to transcribe Parseltongue.]

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