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The conference room was quiet. It wasn't the nice, comforting type of quiet, no. It felt dense and thick,  with tension hanging heavily in the air. All that could be heard was the soft drumming of Sero's fingers against the wooden table. 

 He took a deep breath, gazing over at the blonde seated beside him. He was fidgeting, messing with his fingers while he bounced his knee. Seeing Kaminari anxious didn't help his nerves in the slightest. 

 Meetings like this were never good, especially when it was just him and Kaminari without the other sidekicks. They were probably going to get chewed out for something, but what? He flitted through the possibilities in his head. A patrol gone wrong maybe? Another one of Kaminari's dumb instagram posts blowing up? Or maybe it was the time Kamui Woods caught him playing solitaire on his computer when instead of writing a report. But Sero doubted that he would care enough about that to call a meeting. He hardly even said anything to him when it happened. He just gave him a dirty look and shrugged it off. 

 As if he read his mind, in came Kamui woods, with his coworkers and Sero's other bosses, Mount Lady and Edgeshot. It was rare for all three of them to be together, especially not for a meeting. This was bad. This was really bad. Are they getting fired? 

 "Relax, you're not in trouble." Edgeshot reassured them, sensing their panic. Sero's shoulders dropped slightly, his muscles releasing all the tension and anxiety that had been building up inside. Kaminari let out a small sigh of relief and slumped back into his chair. 

 "We called this meeting because we had some news we wanted to share with you," Kamui chimed in. He picked up the remote from the table, clicking a button that turned the projector on. 

 "In a few days, a new sidekick will be joining you. Her name is-" 

 Mount Lady practically shouted her name, interrupting Kamui and gesturing wildly to the image that flashed on screen behind her. A photo of a beautiful young woman appeared on screen. Sero studied her features, her soft smile and bright eyes, the curve of her face, and her hair style and hero uniform. Kaminari nudged Sero slightly with his elbow, mumbling something about how attractive she was, earning himself an eye roll.

 "She was ranked highly as a sidekick, staying in the top ten consistently and even reaching the top five in her nation. She took a break a few years back but now she'll be joining you guys!" Mount Lady rambled excitedly. It made sense. A popular sidekick will improve their ratings, and it could probably help Sero and Kaminari rank up too. But why were they the first to hear about it? Why not tell everyone at once? He couldn't help but ask. 

 "That's great and all, but why didn't you tell Mineta and Shiozaki?"

 "Since she's going to be your priority. As we mentioned before, she's not from here. She isn't very fluent in Japanese, but you can speak her language, Sero. So, it'll be your responsibility to translate for her." Edgeshot replied,  "From now on, the three of you are going to be a team." 


 "We're sorry it had to end this way, but your compliance is greatly appreciated." You stared at the carpeted floor beneath you, refusing to look anywhere else. They were all staring, watching you, their eyes burning through your body. All you could do was sit and listen as the lawyers spoke to you. 

 Everyone knows now. They all know. 

You should be ashamed. You're disgusting. You're a monster. 

 Bright morning light peeked through the curtains, shining on your sheets. It had been at least three days since you left your bed due to your exhaustion from the jet lag. All you wanted to do was sleep, until now, when your stomach is twisting with hunger, the pain becoming almost sickening.

 You eventually got out of bed, but only after the delivery guy dropped your food off at your door. When you picked up the bag, you didn't expect to see a box next to it, addressed to you from your new agency, The Lurkers. Your curiosity outweighed your hunger, and you found yourself opening the box with a pair of scissors. 

 Reaching in, you grabbed the fabric lifting it up and raising it above you to look at. Black as night colored polyester with nylon and copper material, perfect for your quirk. It looked just like what you envisioned, if not better. You turned the body suit to the side, studying the bright yellow streaks and lightning bolts. It was perfect. It was yours. 

 It had been over two years since you last had a hero costume. There had been a time where you never wanted to wear one again. Where just the thought of it made you sick to your stomach and filled with dread. But now, here you were with your very own hero costume, based off your design. It's pure, untouched, perfect, fresh, clean, and new. Like everything is now. 

 You blinked the tears away as you held the costume against your body, hugging it to your chest. This was your chance to start over again. A fresh start. A clean slate. It was just what you needed and you weren't going to take it for granted. You're going to take every opportunity you can get to become the hero you always wanted to be, and nothing is going to hold you back. Not anymore. 

 You grabbed your phone, taking a picture and texting it to your aunt, before setting it down on the table. Before you went to eat, you noticed something left in the box. It was a little slit of paper, with Japanese characters that you couldn't translate inscribed on it. Underneath was a message written in your language. 

"Looking forward to meeting you next week - The Lurkers" 

 You smiled to yourself, feeling hope and excitement flicker in your chest. 

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