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"I let you get away with your games at first, but I've really had enough. Stop it, or I'll do what I do best."

Suddenly, Mattheo lost all the cuteness he had had a few seconds ago. Instead, he dropped completely onto a nearby chair and grinned.

"I haven't got the slightest idea what you're talking about.", he said calmly. So calmly that it was suspicious once again – and even a little intimidating. "Oh, you know all too well what I'm talking about. Stop playing such games with a completely innocent girl."

In a flash, Lilith linked everything she had just heard into a flawless picture. I see. He just wanted to use me as his plaything. And he played that role of his just for that ridiculously trivial reason? What an unnecessary effort. As if he could fool me that easily.

Still, perhaps it should at least come across as if I was surprised, possibly even hurt. That will only help the image of the somewhat naive girl.

Lilith had thought about all this in less than two seconds. She decided it would be best to stand still for another three to five seconds. That would create the image of a shocked, sad girl.

After this time had elapsed, during which Lilith had not moved even the slightest bit, she pulled out her wand at lightning speed and glided towards Mattheo at breathtaking speed.

He only had enough time to straighten up before Lilith was already standing in front of him and had changed the shape of her wand so that it now resembled a knife at the end.

She now held this modified wand to Mattheo's neck. With cold, angry eyes, she said in an equally threatening voice: "Don't play games with me. I don't care if you are the son of Voldemort, if you play with me, I will hurt you for it."

Very good. Now I'm giving the impression of an emotional, impressionable girl who may have an above-average understanding of magic but is otherwise no match for these guys. That's good. They'll underestimate me in future.

In fact, Lilith was almost completely right in this assessment of her impression of the others. The only point where she had miscalculated was that each of the three would fall for this idea of hers. Because Blaize saw through her façade like you can see through glass. However, he didn't think the others necessarily needed to know.

If they can't figure it out for themselves, then I don't have to tell them. They can think for themselves for once in their lives. It's really not that difficult. Besides, this could all end up being really interesting.

Contrary to Lilith's expectations, Mattheo wasn't surprised at all, but immediately pulled her closer to him. He completely ignored the fact that the knife came closer with her. Even when the knife cut into his skin, and a few little drops of blood ran down his neck, he ignored it and pulled Lilith so close that his chest was against hers.

Lilith didn't even know if it was an act or not, but when she realized that her wand-knife was cutting into Mattheo's skin, she quickly pulled it back. Shortly after, she realized she was pressed against his chest and thought quickly.

It's best if I push him away. Then I'll come across as insecure, scared and hurt. And she followed exactly this train of thought. What she hadn't seen coming, however, was that she would trip over the motherfucking same fold in the carpet as she had earlier.

When she was caught, just like the last time, the feeling of déjà vu was only intensified. When she looked up, she saw a blond-haired man, just like before with the wall hanging. She had never experienced déjà vu from two different events before. Well, there's a first time for everything.

This time, however, Draco didn't let go of her as quickly as last time but presented a scolding look to Mattheo first. "You really have to stop playing so many games with girls. Even I don't do that. And I'm anything but a nice person. You know that just as well as I do."

Demons (Mattheo Riddle vs Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now