A dinner for Case

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It was about 8:00 pm on a Friday, Fridays being the best day of the week. Case decided to get a special meal to eat during his Twitch stream. He got off of his greasy streamer couch and made his way out of the front door of his trailer in Goobertown, Arkansas. Case made his way to his pickup truck. It was quite windy outside, but the wind couldn't blow him away.
He rode his truck to Windy. "Hello, welcome to Wendy's. What may I get you." The women asked him in a nice tone, but Case was Hangry. "YES, I'D LIKE 3 BACONATERS, 4 QUESO FRIES, 6 PIECES OF CHICKEN NUGGEST, AND A BIGGY BAG WITH A DIET COKE." The lady hesitated, "Y-yes, sir, pull up to the 2nd window." "THANK YOU, MA'AM, " Case eagerly responded.

He pulled up to the 2nd window and when the lady saw him she was distracted by his beautiful handsome face and handed him his big bag of food they had to give him three because his order was big. He snatched the bag. "THANK YOU," He said as he rode away from the restaurant.

When he got to his trailer,  he was greeted by kitty, "KITTY!!!" He yelled in excitement. "Kitt,  look what I g.". Case had a tight grip on his Wendy's bags as we walked over and sat on his streaming chair. He booted up his setup and started streaming. "Hey chat, look what I got.". Case showed the chat all the food he had got, and as usual, they replied with "Ofc."Shut up, chat, I'm skinny. When I turn to the side, you can hardly see me." Case often said stuff like this. He took pride in his opinion of looking like a skinny legend, and some might agree with that statement.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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