A search - Chapter 2

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Kou runs over to Yashiro and Hanako-kun panicked.

"Yashiro you just disappeared with the smoke! Did you find the ghost! Where is it?" Kou asks holding his exorcising staff.

Hanako-kun says "Yep What Yahiro saw was definitely a ghost. Kou Today we're going on an adventure around the school!" Hanako-kun throws confetti as he looks over at Yashiro who is lost in thought.

"Hey Hanako-kun don't you think she looked kind of familiar...." Yashiro asks picking up the shovel Kanaki threw at Hanako-kun. Nene thought that she should return it when she sees her again.

"I guess so... Don't know where from." Hanako-kun shrugs as he floats next to Yashiro. Yashiro wonders who though. That doesn't matter! With Tsukasa involved this just became 100% more scary and dangerous so she has to be on her toes!

"Let's get going then! We have to find it as soon as possible!" Kou exclaims. Yashiro nods.

"Yeah!" Yashiro and Hanako-kun exclaim. They venture into the abandoned school building as they enter into the building a Mokke bumps into Yashiro's leg. 

Yashiro picks it up. "Hey! Have you seen a girl with orange hair an old uniform?" Yashiro asks the Mokke. The Mokke shakes its head.

"We shall help you search!"  The Mokke exclaims. The Mokke whistles summoning more Mokke.

"Mokke Search squad is on the case!" The Mokke jumps down from Yoshino's hand. 

"Sweet! This'll make it a whole lot easier!" Kou exclaims. One of the Mokke pulls out a sign that says, "CANDY 4 WORK!"

"Give us Candy and we'll help you!" The Mokke say. Yashiro reaches into her pocket checking for candy. She finds a packet of candy and gives it to the Mokke and the cheer.  Kou checks his pockets and finds a piece of candy chucking it over to the Mokke. 

"Will you help us now?" Hanako-kun asks. The Mokke nod as one hops over to the shovel Yashiro is holding and takes a piece of dirt off of it and pass it between the 20 or so Mokke that is there.

"Mokke Find and Capture Service! Let's go!" The Mokke exclaims as they spread out and disappear.

"We can't just let them do all the work! I'll go search the main high school building!" Kou exclaims before he runs off out of the abandoned building. 

"Hey, Yashiro why'd you keep the shovel?" Hanako-kun asks as he floats upside down to inspect the shovel. 

"I'm going to give it back to her! Then I'm going to help her with her garden! She had to abandon it to try and keep people away and I feel really bad...." Yashiro says looking at the garden. She remembered that the Kanaki ghost had said that she loved the garden. Yashiro would be upset too if she had to watch the garden her and her friends worked so hard on shrivel up and die without being able to do anything about it.

"Yashiro you're such a soft daikon." Hanako-kun chuckle. Yashiro tries to elbow him, but he dodges, and she chases after him.

With Kou

Kou is running through the main high school building he runs past the student council room but then he stops and takes a peek in it after he heard a grunt of pain and sees Akane in a circle of beads and his brother sitting in a chair. 

Teru notices Kou and smiles at him.

"What are you doing Kou?" Teru asks. Teru's voice is cold.

"N-nothing... I'm just searching for Yashiro-senpai... Yeah! I'm looking for her!" Kou exclaims.

Teru smiles coldly "Have fun." Teru says. Kou nods quickly taking off down the hallway almost dropping his exorcist staff, but he luckily catches it and keeps running. 

Kou runs into the bathroom and looks into the mirror. 

"Hey! Mitsuba! Mitsuba!" Kou exclaims knocking on the mirror. Then Mitsuba pops out of the mirror floating above the sink. 

"What do you want traffic light earrings." Mitsuba scoffs.  

"Want to search for a ghost with me! It'll be fun! Yashiro-senpai and Hanako-kun are looking for her too!" Kou exclaims. Mistuba looks at him as if he's a weirdo.

"Come on it'll be fun!" Kou exclaims trying to convince Mitsuba. Mitsuba scoffs.

"Whatever. I'll help you." Mitsuba scoffs. Of course, he would want Mitsuba's help he's a super cute genius person after all. 

"Alright. I'll do it. We'll beat those two lovebirds to the punch and find that ghost first!" Mitsuba is determined to win.

"Yeah, let's do this!" Kou exclaims determined to find and exorcise a ghost for the first time. Kou and Mitsuba high five ready to find the ghost girl first. 

With said Love birds (aka Hanako-kun and Yashiro)

Yashiro looks in a classroom it's empty and covered in cobwebs and dust. Yashiro knows this building hasn't been touched for about 50 years. Yashiro enters the classroom and searches the desks. She then walks over to the teacher's desk to pull out an old yearbook.

Yashiro carries it along with the shovel as she exits the classroom and Hanako-kun scares her.

"AAH! HANAKO-KUN! Don't scare me like that!" Yashiro yells. Hanako-kun chuckles.

"Don't be a scaredy Daikon Yashiro." Hanako-kun snickers as Yashiro elbows him. Hanako-kun lands on the stairs where Yako's boundary is. Well, it used to be Yako's boundary, but they destroyed her Yorishiro was destroyed but this gave Hanako-kun an idea. 

"Yashiro why don't we use Yako's boundary to find her more easily!" Hanako-kun proposes. Yashiro nods.

"That's a really good idea! Let's do this Hanako-kun!" Yashiro exclaims. Hanako-kun stands up and Yashiro stands beside him at the bottom of the staircase.

"Hey Yashiro, don't you remember what you changed the rumor to" Hanako-kun teases. Yashiro blushes as she remembers what she changed the rumor to.

"S-sure there's another way to get into the boundary..." Yashiro trails off as she turns extremely red blushing a bunch.

"Just kidding Yashiro, you dirty Daikon how could you have such dirty thoughts!" Hanako-kun teases. Yashiro scoffs and then Hanako-kun offers his hand for her to hold. She holds it as they walk up the stairs. One step. Two Steps. Three steps. Yashiro looks at Hanako-kun and he smiles. Yashiro chuckles and they step on the fourth step.

They get teleported into the boundary and..... it looks nothing like it did before... Looks like they found her...

||Finished this chapter thank you for reading the next chapter might come in a few days it depends on how busy I get||

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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