Chapter 30-The Prophecy

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By the time Kore left Hades office their gifts still hadn't returned to both of their frustration. Hades tried to vanish her directly back to her room but that didn't work so he walked back with her before finding Hecate.

Before he left he'd given her the letter he transcribed for Macaria since she couldn't read or write. She could have sworn Hades even smiled after telling her how good Macaria was doing. How Hecate was working with her on herbs and witch things, whatever that meant. She was sure it was similar to what Hecate had showed her on healing salves and poisons to avoid, or use if you wanted to hurt someone.

Her letter was filled with stories of Hecate. How she showed her that spider she took special care of in the jar and let her play with Selene when she wasn't busy. She could even hear Selene talking in her head sometimes. She loved her room and even liked Hades stopping by every night. He was teaching her to play chess and couldn't wait to play her one day. She apologized at the end of each letter for trying to kill her but still wouldn't tell her what she seen, or promise not to try again.

She missed that little girl. When she was back from the Heavens she'd ask Hades if there was anyway to see her. There'd surely been enough time to figure out a way.

The book of prophecies laid open where she had left off, mocking her on her vanity. She wanted to continue reading it right away but the context was so confusing that even her experience with riddles didn't always help her. She had still been trying to decipher the riddle prophecy Hades had told her in the sunset room with no avail. She just didn't know enough about the gods and their ways to fully understand it.

"To be the true King of the Underworld is to unite the bringer of death, of which roses wilted will bloom again. When shadow and light dance by willing to part, will they bring together the people that have been forgotten. Will they end the cursed cycle that is and bring forth another. The seventh blessed of the last created is that of which you seek."

Again, nothing came to mind. Not even a smart of an idea.

One things was for sure, she didn't have long to steal from Hecate and her mood lately had been so off from her normal high energy rambling self. Since the day Thanatos had come she'd been a shell of what she once was. It was disheartening to see her so on edge and irritated by every little thing with no explanation as to why.

She wondered how Hermes and Dionysus faired with stealing from her earlier.

Before she could turn to leave the door burst open. Minthe was seething in the frame. "How dare you?!" She growled.

Kore stepped back until her legs hit the bed behind her, "What?" Kore asked confused. Minthe's crazed eyes moved from Kores thighs and back to her head, "Not only did you steal my clothes but you ruined them."

Kore sighed with relief. The beaded necklace was just a few feet from where Minthe stood now just short of the Vanity. "How did you even know?"

"I seen you walking from Hades office!" Minthe yelled, her outfit so similar to her own.

"Oh. I didn't rip them or anything. I just altered them slightly with the pins."

"Of course you did because you obviously couldn't fit into anything I own without doing so. Do you think Hades enjoyed looking at you tonight? Is that what you think you were doing, enticing him? He doesn't want someone like you! Your own mother didn't want you! Do you know what it takes for a mother to not want their child, blood or not?! You are nothing. You're a pawn in a game you didn't even know existed!"

Kore startled, letting herself sit on the bed behind her. That's exactly what she was. Just a pawn in a game she only just learned the history of. She didn't know the players fully. She didn't know the rules exactly. Hel she didn't even know the board it was played on or if it was cards and dice with no board at all.

Bringer of Death (Cruel Gods 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin