" I always fall in love easily hyung . Even one sight is enough for me to fall hard . And I fell hard for him . I was in my second year when I first saw him near the lockers with his friends chatting while laughing . He looked so handsome at that time . I saw him smirking at me and turn to his friends saying somethings . I also moved and walked to my classes with seungmin and jeongin . From that day on , I saw him everywhere . In my classes ,in cafeteria,  in bus , even in my streets . From all those sightings without realizing I fell hard for him . On one fine day , I saw him approaching me and asked me to go out with him . Ofcourse I said yes . That was the biggest mistake I could ever make . " minho listened to everything with a heavy heart . He didn't want to hear anything heartbreaking . Anything that could break his sungies heart . He tightened his grip on jisungs waist and listened to jisung continuing .

" I actually thought he liked me only to realise he used me . All that flirting , all those gazes , all those hugs , all those clingy moments were fake . He pretended to like me all those times.  " jisung held his tears in his sockets trying to not let them out . Minho patted his back , rubbing it .

" I overheard him talking to his shitty friends .

Jisung saw his boyfriend talking to his friends . He peeped through the door as he stood hidden when he heard his lovers friend talking while laughing .

" So how is it going your bet object . "

" Oh its going fine . Jeez he is so damn clingy . You know how much I hate clingy people . But this dude is lucky cause he is cute . That object is going thrown away soon . "

" jeez you still have a week.  So take it slow . Did you do it . The bet . Did you kiss him . That was the bet after all "

" Yep , I kissed him . Honestly , only his appearance is good, man . " his boyfriend started ranting about how good his body is . He covered his mouth as he felt tears build up . He was a bet . A bet where he has to date jisung and kiss him and throw him away .

" Dude , your obsessed with him . Do you want to go to psychiatrist . You really like his body . Maybe we should taste it too . ( God I can't believe I am writing like this . I hate myself for this ) "

" dont you dare . That body is mine to touch "

" God possessive much . You don't like him . "

" even though , his body is mine "

He didn't want to hear it . He started to run . To jeongin and seungmin . He started to sobs as he found them near the tree they used to hang out .


Jisung started to sob . He held minho tightly and he could feel minhos grip getting even tighter.  The older was probably controlling his anger from bursting out .

An object .

That hit him , hard . He hated it . He hated how that peasant called jisung an object  as if he is a thing to throw out after usage .he tightened his grip on jisung waist and hugged him hard and started to listen to jisung as he started to rub jisungs back .

" I started to explain everything to them. an they got insanely angry . So they wanted me to break up and I supported it . I have my self respect but it didn't last long because he threatened me . He threatened me he would hurt innie and seungmin . I couldn't bear to see them hurt so I let him use me . I let him hurt me . He started to physically hurt me . Evertime I speak,  everytime I looked at anyone , everytime I reached help from others . He started to sexually assault me . He would just lock me up in that God damn play room . That room was a major nightmare.  Every injury I had was in there . Those walls recorded every single moment I was hit , every single damn time I hid from him in corners , in cupboards " jisung cried.

" You can stop if u want sungie " minho tried to make jisung comfortable.  But jisung shook his head as a No.  He continued . " I don't even know the amount of times I was hit. Every single second was a nightmare . He was damn possessive,  obsessed with me . All he wanted was my body . Wanted me to hurt . " jisung took a long breath while minho waited patiently waiting for his sweetheart to speak . He processed everything. He capuldnt believe his ears . That dude needs to die . ' for making my jisungie suffer '

" You know , one day I couldn't handle his torture so I called police on him . But you know he handled it so well that he was doing anything wrong . The police freaking believed him when I clearly had bruises on my face , arms , legs everywhere . After they left , he said something that made my heart drop "


Jae Yoon came closer to jisung as he backed up to a wall . He was pinned between Yoon and wall .

Yoon cane closer to jisung face who was shivering hard waiting for the nightmare to arrive .

" Let me tell you something hannie , you can't get rid of me . I am a nightmare hannie . You know that . I will always feed on you . I am an artist hannie , see how good I painted you with red and brown and sometime purple . You look good in them . I am a shadow too hannie always following you and not leaving u "

Yoon said as he grabbed jisung on his neck chocking him . " You dare to call the  police hannie now be ready for punishment.  My body is aching from lots of work . Let me free it . Come on "

Yoon dragged jisung still chocking him to the playroom and threw him on the bed .


Jisung shook his head . He didn't want to remember that day . It was a nightmare .

" Like this , everyday was a nightmare . So I had enough one day . I tried to escape . But he caught me . At the right time innie came amd tried to save him . You know , not only me but he also physically hurt seungmin and jeongin . I tried hard to protect them but in the end they ended up protecting me . But I had most of the hits . When jeongin tried to save me , he hit him on the head with a bottle . I tried to protect him but he fainted due to the intense pain . But I managed to save him and me . I broke up with him only to realize he is a nightmare that will jot get rid off .
You know I still have marks on my body that he created saying they look good . That's why I don't like to expose my body . It's insecure . " jisung looked at minho who surprisingly had tears rolling down his eyes .

" Hyung , why are you crying " jisung wiped the tears off but minho held his wrist and looked at jisung who held a worried expression . " I am sorry sungie . I am sorry I couldn't protect you . You suffered a lot . Both physical and mentally . Sorry " minho cried and hugged jisung life out .

" I will protect you sungie . Forever "

Mingi smiled and turned away leaving the door after hearing his sons life with a heavy heart . ' Protect him ,lee minho '

' Take care of him . For me '

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