after the battle

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thanks for the idea! [@BANNANA-DIAMOND] ECXEPT I'm not doing the chaggie breakup sorry! but a great idea :D


Charlie: where am I...?

Charlie is lost and cant see the hotel in sight anywhere

Vaggie: YEAH BABE WE DID IT!-  she realises Charlie isn't next to her anymore babe?

vaggie looks around Vaggie: Charlie? She looks around at the hotel rubble trying to spot if Charlie is there

Angel: wheres miss smiles and rainbows vagina? Angel asks wondering where Charlie has gone off to too

Vaggie: ANGEL DO NOT CALL ME THAT and I'm not sure..

Everyone looks around for Charlie but Vaggie checks everywhere to find her lost girlfriend

Vaggie: nonono where has she wandered off to now?? Vaggie is scared because I princess like Charlie is too kind to be roaming hell alone..she could lose cash be shot or fucked by some other woman.

Vaggie: CHARLIEEEEEEEEE she searches every corner every rock every ANYWHERE  Vaggie: think...think....where would a Charlie go..?

Alastor teleports behind Vaggie and puts his long nails on her shoulder. a cold shiver goes down her spine

Vaggie: what do you want Alastor. she knows that alastor only causes destruction and problems for fun sometimes so she has to be careful

Alastor: I want to make a deal dear of course! I see that your little girlfriend has gone missing

Vaggie: and why would I make a deal with you?

Alastor: It's either a deal or you will never see your precious Charlie again

He holds his hand out ready to make a deal with Vaggie. he knows Vaggie loves Charlie so much and would do anything for her..

Vaggie: you want my soul??

Alastor: your soul..? HEAVENS NO! just you to do a teensy weensy deed for me, that's all!

he smiles and tilts his head like he always does

Vaggie: fine, but only for Charlie..

They shake hands and everywhere flashes green as they make the deal and vaggie gets transmitted where Charlie is

Vaggie: that's where she is?

Vaggie flies off to where Charlie has either gotten lost or been kidnapped, Vaggie's not sure yet. when she arrives she sees charlie wounded and lost

Vaggie: Charlie?! are you okay babe??

Charlie sees Vaggie and tries to get up but is hurt

Vaggie: Oh mi amor, ¿por qué estás aquí? ¿Qué coño pasó?

Vaggie picks Charlie up and flies back to the hotel almost forgetting about the deal she made where she owes Alastor a favour now that she made an hour ago

Charlie: Wheee! ya knoww..its fun when you fly with these new wings

Charlie seems more happy now. Vaggie's just happy that Charlie is okay and not dead

They arrive back after half an hour of flying and vaggies wings and arms are EXHAUSTED

Vaggie: its about fucking time to rest..

Vaggie aesthetically flops onto the couch and Alastor appears behing it making Vaggie almost jump out of her skin

Vaggie: ah! shit! a-alastor??

Alastor: I believe you owe me a favour due to our deal we did not long ago..

Vaggie: ughh. what do you want?

Alastor: I want you to break up with charlie

Vaggie: what?! why??

Alastor: because I want her

Vaggie: please! anything other than that Alastor!!

Alastor: horns and tail could use a massage and makeover- ooh! and maybe my ears too...and my makeup to match my slay titties

Vaggie didn't expect Alastor to be such a fem queen

Vaggie: uhm...sure...


HAHA THE END >:D (word count:539)

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