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|| "what cannot be said shall be wept" ||

𝕿𝕳𝕰 tournament had started well, various houses participating for the favour of most everyone sat in what was essentially the royal box

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𝕿𝕳𝕰 tournament had started well, various houses participating for the favour of most everyone sat in what was essentially the royal box. Harwin had been participating, in hand to hand combat, and Aenera and Melusine had been spurring him on - until they had to join Aenera's family. The Princess was sat beside her sister, Melusine on her left side.

As Ser Criston Cole and Prince Daemon began preparing for their joust, Melusine became quite aware of the whispering that had begun. Turning her head to watch the various panicked, but hushed, words. As the two men earlier mentioned began fighting on the ground, Melusine's hand drifted to Aenera's in a silent motion of support. Leaning over, she whispered the the teenager, "something's happening," Harclay told her, almost fully twisted in her chair now as Otto Hightower appeared from the steps.

It was then she'd realised the king wasn't there, eyes flicking to her uncle, Lord Strong. He gave an equally confused look before Otto whispered into his ear. A brief look of horror had washed over the man before Melusine stood up.

"What is it?" Aenera asked, looking to her friend who still had a hold of her hand, "Mel?"

Melusine opened her mouth to speak, but couldn't find the proper words. Looking down to the Princess with a mixed look of horror and sadness, "Aenera your mother-" she whispered, squeezing the Princess' hand before the Targaryen girl had stood and fled the box to see her mother.


The funeral had been just a few days later, solemn and tense. No one seemed to look at Viserys, only the two girls who stood grieving their mother and un-met brother. Melusine had not seen much of her friend, the girls ability to lock herself away when grieving was almost admirable. But, standing by her cousin she was able to finally see her.

Aenera's eyes were red and puffy, her dress black and void of usual rich colours. Melusine had wished to comfort her, but only managed to do so once Aenera had made her way back to her chambers.

"You can't lock yourself here, Aenera," Melusine muttered, stepping into the Princess' room and closing the door behind her. When she got no reply, Melusine sighed and moved to sit beside her on the edge of the bed, "should I stay silent?"

"No," Aenera mumbled, lying on her side and resting her head upon Melusine's lap, "talk,"

"About what, Princess?" she asked, "I've already told you about most things,"

She said, her hand finding Aenera's hair to brush her fingers through the girls loose braids, undoing them as she did so. It was clear Aenera didn't much care what was discussed, so Melusine began talking of anything random she could think about.

So, for hours they discussed random topics. Melusine was now lying on her back, Aenera's head on the girls stomach instead now, "what will happen to my sister and I?"


"They are already in talks of an heir," Aenera muttered, "Daemon is out of the picture, but what about me and Rhaenyra,"

"I couldn't say," Melusine told her, resting upon her forearms, "perhaps he will name your sister heir, or even Princess Rhaenys,"

"Perhaps he will remarry," Aenera muttered, turning her head to look at Melusine. Her eyes had once more turned teary, red rimmed as ever.

Melusine felt her heart drop, sitting up (by doing so forcing Aenera to sit up). Taking hold of both Aenera's hands, she allowed her thumbs to rub over the girls pale skin, "he will not remarry," Melusine assured her, "he loved your mother, it may not seem that way but we both know it to be true,"

"Why would he kill my mother if he lived her?" Aenera asked, voice shaky as her bottom lip wobbled. Melusine's hand cupped the Princess' face, wiping a loose tear from the girls cheek.

"Men do stupid things," she stated simply, "stupid, stupid things that we cannot even begin to understand," Melusine pulled the girl closer, resting her chin atop Aenera's head, "that is why we were born women, far too much stupidity on this land already,"

The comment earned a small laugh from Aenera, and in that moment that was all Melusine could seem to care about.

The following morning, both girls woke to preparations occurring around them. It had appeared Daemon had once more been banished off for ill-chosen words. And, surprisingly, preparations for Rhaenyra to be named heir had begun.

It had been a lovely ceremony, every important house had traveled to pay their respects as well as pledge their allegiance. All except House Harclay due to their seeming inability to travel.

"I apologise for family's lack of appearance, Princess," Melusine apologised, sitting around a table with herself, Aenera, Rhaenyra and Lady Alicent, "but House Strong and Stark speak for them,"

"House Strong definitely seemed to want to pledge allegiance to you, Rhaenyra," Aenera teased, causing Rhaenyra to falter, "your cousin has stated that he finds my sister pretty, has he not, Melusine?"

"He has, one too many times for me to ignore," Melusine chuckled, shoving a grape into her mouth.

"Which one?" Rhaenyra asked, "Harwin or-?"

"Harwin," Melusine assured him, "I wouldn't let Larys speak such words," she loved her cousins, but Larys in her opinion was odd. Rhaenyra laughed slightly at Melusine's jest, however Alicent remained silent. She'd been rather withdrawn as of late, biting the skin around her nails more often. It hadn't escaped Melusine, but she was wise enough to know not to mention such things.

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