I like cats

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Julia couldn't believe her eyes. The mystical creature was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. It was mainly white, with patches of grey fur littered across its body. It vaguely resembled a cat from a comic book that Julian had read as a child, but couldn't quite place the name of. The blue collar around his neck revealed his name: Lupin. "He's so pretty!" She gasped in excitement."I know, right! I fell in love with him at first sight when I laid eyes on him at the pet store." Rae replied, seeming super enthusiastic to finally talk to someone about him.

Lupin strode towards her, and Julia felt like she was on the moon. He settled down in her lap and moved down as he curled in on himself. Julia hesitantly kept her hands in the air, unsure of what the best course of action would be. "You can pet him." Rae said, bringing Julia back down to Earth. "He doesn't bite, and it seems like he's taken an interest in you already, so I'm sure he won't mind." Julia glanced between her friend and the furry critter in her lap. She slowly moved one of her hands down and stroked his back. Lupin let out an adorable purr that took Julia slightly aback.

Lupin suddenly got up. Julia lifted her hand from him, allowing the cat to leap out and hide behind a scratching post that Rae had made herself. Despite having moved positions, Lupin retained eye contact with Julia. He laid back down, presumably to go back to sleep, when Rae interrupted. "Lupin! Not yet!" She called out, before turning to Julia to explain. "He gets all hyper if he goes to bed now, and I don't want him jumping on my face at three in the morning again. He needs to get some energy out before sleeping, so I usually play with him around now." She turned around to rummage through a small pile of toys before turning back around, holding a blue stick in her hand. "Do you want to play with him?" She asked.

The question was a no-brainer for Julia, and she reached for the pet toy Rae was holding out. It was a small blue stick that was connected to a long ribbon with a dangling jellyfish at the end. She lightly shook the toy, and it made a small jingle noise. She shook it again, more wildly this time, and Lupin sprinted towards her, lunging for the jellyfish on the end. She wiggled the stick, and Lupin leaped forward and rolled around on his back with the blue jellyfish wrapped in his arms. She tossed it around again and watched as the cat rapidly bounced from side to side. A smile crept onto her face while watching him.A loud click snapped Julia out of the trance-like state she was in, and she turned around to look for the source. There stood Rae, holding her phone while taking photos. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself. It's just that Lupin is hardly ever like this, and I really wanted to take a photo of him acting all cute. You look great, too. You should smile more." Rae said with a sheepish look on her face when she noticed her staring. She turned her phone around and sat next to Julia to show her the photos. There were tons of Lupins rolling around and a couple of Julia smiling while playing with him. "I think you look great in this one." Rae said, swiping to one that had Julia's full face in view, and the sunlight was angled onto her, lighting up her brown hair, and the sunlight's reflection gleamed in her glasses. "I'll send them to you. By the way, you should consider getting a cat. You seemed to really like playing with Lupin today." Rae suggested. Julia nodded. "Maybe I will."

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