Five of Us

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A friend on Wattpad suggested I listen to a song and it's been stuck in my head for almost five days now. It's called Patience by Guns n Roses. Give it a try.

The next book on the review is The Five Of Us by Positive_pages


Though it's not necessary for other members to read the review, I'd advise them to as they may find some helpful things to improve their own story


I want you to know that the review is my honest opinion, I am not a professional reviewer, just a person who loves reading

My brother, Ash, will be reviewing the books as well, I thought it'd be good to have more than one person giving feedback.




I feel like the title is a bit bland, it's not as intriguing as the other titles in the review. If it was in a bookstore, I wouldn't pick it with a title like that.


It's simple, short, and sweet though it's not enough to grab your interest

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Maria 4/10

Forgive me for saying this, but the colors of the book give off a Barney the Dinosaur theme. Once again, just like the title, it doesn't grab any attention from the reader since it's dull and bland.

Ash: 5/10

The cover could be improved.

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Maria: 5/10

I can see the blurb you tried going for but the way you worded it is a bit confusing. I tried changing some of the wording to make it a bit more easier to read:

Why did I survive? My sigh was lost in the cold breeze
"You almost had me fooled Eisha. How did you get so good at acting?"
I didn't have to turn to know it was Erina.
"Acting?" I forced a smile. "What are you talking about?"
She took her place beside me, her face not wavering. Not smiling. Not sad. Not showing any expressions.
"You're going to lie to me? You're going to lie to me like you did to everyone else? Do you think I'll believe that-" She paused almost as if she was hesitating. "That it was an accident?" Her eyes fell onto my face, expecting me to answer. When I didn't, she spoke again.
"Erina...Did you attempt suicide"?

Though even with the wording correct, I doubt it's interesting enough to draw one in.


Too much unnecessary information. A blurb is not supposed to be a summary of a story.

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The first chapter is a bit hard to get by, but as soon as I got to the part where Rayan is introduced, things got interesting and I began wondering where the story would go. I haven't read further than chapter 5 but I hope that you would stick to a storyline and not diddle-daddle around like most books would. The fact that Rayan has some past that isn't known to the reader makes things take a turn. I even began making up ideas on what could be his past, that he was a wanted criminal or something along those lines

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