I hiccuped, my slow tears growing into muted sobs. She slightly bounced on my lap as I breathed In and out, sharply.

"Bill.." A distant voice whispered from behind me. I felt the hand of my brother on my shoulder, and the presence of my best friends.

I never let myself love, never let myself grow to be in love. Instead I hurt her, would say horrible things to her, treat her like the dog I used to see her as. In my eyes, it had been so long with her. A period of time that changed my whole perspective of life. My heart was tearing, overflowing with the stolen love I hadn't ever let myself feel for her. Now that she was seeping away, through cracks I couldn't reach through, I new I was in love with her.

"Give me the phone." I whispered, a tremor in my voice.

Kandy slid the phone into my hands, and I pressed it to my ear. The phone transferred Angelina's blood to my face, I hated feeling it knowing who's it was. I stood up, Angelina in my arms as I held the phone to my ear with my shoulder. I held her towel tight around her, making sure she wasn't exposed, or any more vulnerable than she already was.

My voice sounded strange, unfamiliar. It's like I was feeling what it was like to be human for the first time. My eyes flashed up as Georg rushed up the stairs, holding Katie by the arm. She tore off of him, mouth gaped at the sight of Angelina. She yelled out, her hands beginning to shake as I held her bridal style. Tom took the phone from my ear, putting it on speaker. The dispatcher spoke in a hurry, a keyboard clicking from the other line.

"The soonest the paramedics will be there is about.." she paused, typing. "Six minutes. Stay on the line with me, tell me what her physical state is like."

I hiccuped, I couldn't talk. Because I knew if I did, only cries surrounding her name would escape my lips.

"Unconscious," Gustav started. "Bleeding. A lot." He panicked.

"She's not breathing." Katie yelled out, feeling Angelina's pulse.

"What the fuck even happened?" Katie said, looking at Kandy.

"She.. she showered-" Kandy breathed, slumped against the wall.

"And?" I choked.

"And I heard a shatter come from the bathroom." A single year fell from her eye. "When I got to the door, she had already impaled herself." She didn't look me in the eye.

I turned away, slowly trudging down the hall; leaving a trail of her sacred blood. I hated glancing down and seeing an obnoxiously large piece of glass in her fragile chest. But I knew if I took it out, she would only fade away faster.

I sat in the chair near the window, pulling up the blinds forcefully as I looked for the ambulance. I looked down at her, looking at myself in the glass. What had I done? What was I going to lose? What was Angelina going to lose?

I squeezed my eyes shut, holding her as close to me as she could physically get. Her hair was cold and wet against my skin as I wrapped my arms around her, protecting her from everything I should've from the start. I inhaled, trying to find her familiar smell through all the blood. The sweet vanilla scent buried deep within her curls, and the sweet rosy smell she would waft through the air as she walked. I parted my lips, breathing rapidly as I curled in my seat, Angelina in my arms.

"Oh baby." I quietly choked through my thick, unwelcome cries. "Baby don't leave me. Don't go." I took a sharp inhale, my chest tightening as I imagined how much pain she was in, how much pain she was always in. I thought about how I never gave her a break, she was still growing up. I had taken everything from her, taken away her whole future.

Satan Reincarnate (re-written)Where stories live. Discover now