Chapter 1- Athena

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Roses cling to the canopies of pure white pergolas, like a child grabbing onto its mother. The tranquility of the murky green lagoons which lay behind me shine, candles on a dark and windy night. But those candles are nothing compared to a proper chandelier. Myself.

Cameras snap every angle of me, as the floral tropical dress that adorns me reaches down to the stone below.

And while I sure do feel pretty, my eyes only catch the charm of the woman beside me.

Angels would keel over on the ground, jealous of her radiance. Her beauty is equal to that of a reservoir in the spring. It is an umbrella in a monsoon, a bottle of wine during a soiree. She is a guardian sent from the heavens by Tiamat herself, she is a succubus surely, for no one else could measure up to her.

And her name is Cassandra.

Her brunette tresses fall upon her shoulders ever so gracefully, they act is if they have a mind of their own. I am entranced to her, for she is far more then I could ever be. Cass Romero, the same Cass Romero who grew up poor in Whittlesea, slaving for hours as a waitress to her parents restaurant. The very same Cass Romero whos lips I stole that camp night 6 years ago. The very same Cass Romero who stole mine back as we basked in the moonlight of the Otways. 

I wish I could relive that night again and again and again, so I could ask her for her unconditional love, so I could ask her to be mine. But instead, I am a colleague to her, a faded memory. When her eyes read the room, they don't light up like mine do when I see her. When she waves at me, she glances around, never to have that loving gaze. But I do, and it kills me that I do.

I am so lost in my thoughts I don't notice the camera crew packing up, nor do I notice Cass turn to me, a smile tugging on her bright cherry-coloured lips. "Well", she says, a small pout pushing out her bottom lip, "Picture perfect? Or do we need to retake tomorrow?". "It's fine" I voice, trying to keep balance in my tone when all I want to do is crumble.

She turns to me again, her sunkissed skin perfectly complimenting her chestnut hair, playing foreign melodies in my head. The things this woman does to me, though I'm sure she's oblivious to, make me want to pull her into a kiss just like years ago.

But instead I put distance between us, swiftly brushing shoulders with her before I turn down towards the lower part of the creek. I hurry to the house across the road, which has been rented as a temporary designer studio while the main center is fixed for damages. The building probably collapsed in on itself after it saw the horrendous outfits Hanni Barrows forced upon Cass. Her "skill" was a warcrime, and the humiliation displayed across Cass's face really fucked me over.

Worst of all, that bitch got no punishment or repercussion at all for her sins against humanity, it was just considered a "slight oversight" by administration, even though it cost our fashion house the entire South Melbourne Pageant. Well, fuck Hanni and her obsession with decking brunettes out in leather, she'll always be an insecure shell of herself, NO MATTER WHAT.

As I step into the doors of the studio, all heads turn to me. They look me up and down, judging every sequin of my dress, before returning to work. The people here have never been ones for respect, though atleast you can never be averted in gaze by these nosy freaks.

I undress in a small white booth, the curtains pulled tightly shut. I pay heed to the flowery gown I'd just taken off one last time, observing for damages. But suddenly, I hear a large crash from outside, and distant sounds of yelling.

My entire world turns upside-down for a few moments, as I make out the sounds of an upset Cass. I pull myself into a pair of jeans and a band shirt, before slamming the booth curtain open and darting my eyes around.

Cass is both shouting and being shouted at by Amihan, a Bisaya-German model who's visiting Australia for some Scene pageant. From what I can tell, they are arguing because Amihan was apparently supposed to be wearing Cass's dress today, even though on the schedule sheet she wasn't booked for anything today. "Can we seriously not right now? I just want to go home" exclaims Cass, no hesitation in her mannerisms and speech. Amihan firmly gazes at her before rolling her eyes and strutting away, from here for good I hope.

Cass's eyes leave Amihan, and rest on me. A small blush flutters across her cheeks,  but I'm sure she's just flustered from being overheard fighting. Not thinking, words leave my lips "You look so pretty when you're mad". I cover my mouth with my hand, and take a step back, while Cass goes bright red.

I can't believe I did that! Ugh...

Turning away, my body leaves her range of sight. I slap my forehead. "Why would you say that?" I groan to myself, though I'm sure some pesky interns and designers overheard. I can't believe I was stupid enough to follow my heart and not my brain. Rationality is draining by the minute, water in a finished bath.

I quickly walk out to my car, ready to drive to my apartment as quick as humanly possible. I get in and shut the door, turning the engine on. I begin to leave the driveway, furrowing my brow at the circumstances of today. "WAIT!" shouts a figure from the distance, obviously someone underdressed for the weather. "YOU FORGOT YOUR EARRINGS!" I roll my eyes, for all I care, my earrings couldve flushed themselves down a sink and it would make my day ten times better.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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