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Kim Il-sung’s birthdayyyyy! happy birthday Kim Il-sung! I love youuuu. I asked for today off for religious reasons and boss said, 'You're not religious, why do you really want to stay home.' Because it's Kim Il-sung's birthday and I simply cannot contribute to our economy on his birthday. And he asked if I just wanted to take it off and now I don't work today. I had a dream about him (Kim Il-sung not boss) once where I was walking with him in a futuristic Pyongyang, even more futuristic than it looks now, and we were talking about how Korea was Reunified and Worker’s Party policies and how the transition from Socialism to Communism was going, and he was telling me about his regrets and successes in life and I woke up crying. I will make soup today for his memory. I also made an edit for his memory. It's very simple, but I didn't sleep last night to make it.

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